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Cargo nets.


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I am looking for new ideas again for my three and really like the idea of using one of these nets for my three to play on!


Could all you members who have them already maybe post me a picture just to show how you use yours and tell me if your grey really enjoys playing on there.


I am in the UK, I will do a search and find the best place to buy one but would appreciate any info from you all.


Thanks everyone.



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Talon, where did you buy yours at? I've been looking at them too. For the price it seems like it would be better to make one yourself, but I never seem to have the extra time... I'm not really sure why they cost so much, other than the fact that people know bird owners will spend ANY amount of money to keep their fids happy...:P

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Lyric, I paid about $125 for mine with shipping. It was the biggest they made (recommended for AG) I wish I had bought a smaller one. I just cleaned my history out, but I will let you know where I bought it. It was some place online.

The rope diameter is bigger than I prefer. I only wish my birds would use it. It looks cool....I'll try to take some pictures of it and post later.


You could make one, I thought that too, but it was a time factor for me...just easier to buy. :S

:unsure:<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/07 19:54

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The link you posted was the same place I bought mine from. The large ones are VERY heavy! Like I said, it was SO big, I cut mine in half. Here is a picture of mine that my birds WILL HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH!!!!:evil: :evil: :evil:


008-1.jpg<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2008/11/07 19:57

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Well, I managed to get a cargo net for the birds:) Thanks everyone for the great ideas!


The birds were all really curious but baby Jasper was the first one to go for it! Just ordered some more Mardii Gras buckets from Northern Parrots and gonna get some more toys on this afternoon.

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LOL Casper - Just like a child, buy them a $200 toy and they play with the damn box. ;-) These cargo nets are fun looking play-gyms for birds. But, my wife will have no part of it. I guess I have reached my limit with boings hanging, ceiling suspended playstand and regular playstands...... Guess I need to buy a larger house. ;-)

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Looks like they are having a blast Casper! We hung our second net in the living room and Gryphon's been all over it. We hung three corners and left one hanging down. My husband says it is G's chair because he sits in it to watch the tv. Dan, maybe if you convince your wife it is furniture...


I can't believe how fast they get around on those things. Grey acrobatic skills amaze me!

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