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having some real issues


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Chloe has been doing this super high pitched bird chirp sound lately that could shatter glass. Is it literally like nails on a chalk board to my ears. I can't deal with it anymore and I need some help because its all she does. I tell her no and make sure I look at her when she does it, she stares at me for a few sec and as soon as I turn my back she does it again. I've tried the other route of ignoring it completely but she won't just do it for 5 min and stop, she will keep going for hour's!


When i tell her no i put her in the cage. I must put her in the cage like 50 a times a day easily. She just doesn't get it. I'm seriously starting to think my parrot is mentally retarded. Even a stupid kid knows if you yell no and put him in the room every time that, if someone tells him no that's bad because he doesn't want to be in the room.


Anyways you guys are the experts what can i do? I'm out of ideas.

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Please refresh some info. How long have you had your grey and what is her age? Many go through phases and these can be trying times regarding noises you find unbearable. Kip picked up the super high pitched "chirp" of a smoke alarm with low batteries and for several weeks emulated that ear splitting noise at 10x the volume non stop! My wife and I did our best to ignore it and as soon as she would stop for a bit, or start babbling something "nice" we would give her attention. She still makes the noise sometimes as I think she truly LIKES making it, but it is much less often. We have dedicated ourselves to ignore ignore ignore and reward "good" noises/behavior. Unfortunately there is no one thing you can do to make this stop and birds are, well, birds. They make noise for many reasons. Try to observe when she does it and determine why. Maybe there is something you can provide her that will reduce her desire to make the noise. You need to study the situation. I always remind myself that this is a life long journey as these animals may well live 50+ years. You have to see it for what it is and understand that affecting some behaviours may be a long process. Sorry I cant provide more immediate advice...you may need to buy some earplugs for a bit but if you are committed you can affect her behavior and probably more or less get it to stop over time.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2008/11/07 05:41

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She's alittle over a year about 14 months or so (female cag).


She does the noise solely to get my attention. If I leave the room to go smoke, or sit at my computer with my back to her and ignore her. She is a major attention hog and when I'm talking playing etc with her she is fine, no probs what so ever. But I can't give her my attention 100% of the day but she has come to expect it now since I use to not work and go to college full time. Now i go to school AND work so when I get home she is super moody.

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Oh yes sounds exactly like our female was with my boyfirend. She wanted his attention and by damn she was going to get it and she started with this scream that would drive us nuts if she didn't get it. I also thought she was a sandwich short of a picnic because she didn't get it either when we put her in the cage for screaming.


We also did the ignore thing and I know how hard that is but really it is the only way. As soon as she made any sort of nice noise my boyfriend would lavish her with attention. We did this for I would say 2-3 months before she finally understood that oh if I talk or whistle I get lots of attention and if I scream I get nothing. I hate to say it but perseverance perseverance perseverance.


Our female doesn't do it anymore and I am so happy went through 2-3 months of hell trying to correct her rather than years of hell trying to learn to live with something that might have become a habit.

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Yeah, we've gone through something very similar with Lyric. When he's in his cage and wants out he makes an "ACKKKK" sound, over and over again. It can get so annoying. You HAVE to ignore it. My boyfriend made the fatal error of letting Lyric out of his cage one night when he couldn't stand to hear the noise anymore... big mistake. Lyric of course was more insistant about the sound the next time he wanted out. I told my boyfriend "Absolutely do not let him out when he is making this noise" So now I have to train both of them all over again. You have to wait until the bird is being quiet and good or making a sound you don't mind and then reward with attention- I don't know of any other way. The sound may drive you nuts before you accomplish the goal but that's the sacrifice you have to make for your bird. Eventually you will either be able to block the sound out of your mind or the bird will move on to something else. Just know that you are not alone and the rest of the bird owned world also goes through situations like this!;)

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You bird is actually being very clever.She knows just how to get your attention , think about it. The first time she made that noise she got your attention,Ok she thinks Lets try that again.It worked. Now, it does not matter to her what that attention is, you shouting, putting her in the cage,its all attention to her.You have unwittingley re enforsed this unwanted behaviour.It will now take time and patiance to stop it. You must ignore that noise at all cost. It would be a good idea to leave the room without looking or talking to her every time she repeats this noise.She will then associate it with the action of you leaving.Thats the last thing she wants so she does not make the noisr. At the same time you must give her loads of attention when she is not making this noise and ensure she has plenty to keep her amused. It will not happen over night.The time span will depend on how long it has been going on and how good you are at being consistant and determined. You must be sure to leave every time the noise is repeated. You only need leave till she stops the noise and return when she is good,Keep at it

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