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so i was reading a bunch of posts on here and it seems like alot of your greys started talking at a young age. my baby is 6 months now, ive had him for about two. HE BARELY MAKES A PEEP! he does sit there and coo and make little chirps thats about it.. i talk to him ALL the time, and whistle and explain everything. he doesnt sing, talk or whitle. im starting to get worried theres something wrong. of course id still be madly in love with him even if he doesnt talk, but .. i was kind of looking forward to all the babbling. :/



any opinions..?

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My Josey did not talk until she was 1 year old so you have plenty of time yet for yours to start talking, some may be 2 years old before they talk. A few may not talk at all but the odds he will talk are good.


Just continue to do what you are doing and one day he may surprise you with some words, they do it at their own pace so be patient.:whistle:

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Don't worry, whiteflower - they all pick their own schedules. Just when I'm about to decide that Maxi isn't going to talk much she decides she'll say four new phrases in a week. (She's about 20 months old now...) Like you: I'll love her even if she doesn't talk much - but they are all different: some simply like noises better, some like whistling, who knows what they will pick?


Keep the faith: your baby is VERY young - there's all the time in the world!:)

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All greys are different some talk sooner than others, some just make sounds. Some talk when you're not around. You haven't had your grey all that long. No matter what, just keep talking to your grey. Don't worry about it and just keep chatting away. If your grey never talks it won't be the end of the world but give him a chance 2 months is not that long. By the way, what is your grey's name?

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What a great name! I used to love watching Planet of the apes:P


The others have given some great advice!

I find mine will pick up words in general rather than repeating the words to them which can get rather boring.


My eldest grey started talking when he was about a year old, I have another at 8 months who can say a few words

and the baby is just finding his voice who is 5 months.He is just moving away from the baby chirps and is trying to babble away with the other two.


Just give your baby time,he is only young.

Enjoy the peace and quiet while you can!:)

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Your Grey will probably talk in time, as others have indicated. We conducted a poll here around a year ago to see what age most our members Greys started mumbling/talking, it came out to be around 1 year old.


One thing to keep in mind, is when interacting with and talking to your Grey, say things consistantly related to what you are doing, what you are showing him, feeding him etc. They will then correctly use those words at the right time and associated with what they want i.e apple, grape, carrot, Lets make coffee, peekaboo, wanna go outside etc. :-)

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My TAG is now 2 yr 3 months old and he doesn't talk. He whistles very good and makes the sound of the microwave beeping and the sounds that he hears my other greys making. Of course I do love him more than words can say even if he never utters a single hello. I always wanted a grey for their intelligence, beauty and speaking ability... figures mine wouldn't talk. I do talk with him all the time and tell him what we're doing, what I'm giving him, etc. I even tried using the model/rival technique that Dr Pepperberg used with Alex the grey. I guess maybe one day he will surprise me but then again, maybe he will be content to never talk. It is a slight disappointment to me but I still wouldn't want to be without him- he expresses himself in other ways. I hope maybe your grey will start talking soon!

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