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Hi All I am new, I got my CAG "MAX" 4 days ago. Before I purchased him I did all my homework on the African Grey. MAX is about 12 weeks old, I am spoon feeding him now about 3 times a day at 08:00am and then at 13:00pm then at 18:00pm but the rest of the day he eats on red apples and sunflower seed. From next week I’ll start cutting down on the spoon feeding, will only do 2 times a day and week after that to one spoon feed per day. At the moment he is still in a box type container that is big enough for him to spread his wings and flap them all over the place, and run around etc. I should get the cage on Friday. At this moment he is coming to work and back with me everyday, he enjoys the drive too or it seems to me like he does. Please feel free to place ant suggestions on if what I am doing is the right way or not and any info that might help me. But for now I have a Question or two that I need to ask?


If I get the cage on Friday is it okay to introduce him to it and how do I go about to do it?


Can I leave him at home from next week?


Thanking you guys & girls in advance.

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Take it slow, especially since your baby has been your coworker for so long. It might take a while to even get him to go in the cage. As for leaving him alone at home, I would personally start putting him in the cage when you are there and leaving the door open, if he takes to the cage, then try to close the door, leave it closed for a little while and go about your daily chores, when walking past say oh what a good boy, talk to him and then every so often let him out and put him back in...offering a treat once in a while.....after a few hours see what happens if you go into another room or go outside for 15-20minutes and come back in and talk to him and take him out praising him...play for a while and then put him back in for 1hr or so see how he does...it'll take some time, as long as he's got some different toys and food and water and also leave a radio or tv on...(we leave noogin on (with Dora the Explorer Sesame Street on they seem to like Sesame Street more) He'll be fine but just be patient and take it slow. Maybe even once in a while take him to work if you can.

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Splint101, welcome at the forum and I hope you will enjoy it and our company :)


You take Max to work each day? :laugh: I think that's so cute. Is he in a box all day at work or?


I think Marir's advice is good. Slowly introducing him to the cage would work best I think.

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Yea at the mo he goes to work everyday coz I feed him breakfast & lunch at work and my Fiance feeds him dinner in the eve. Yeah I just take the box with because he sleeps in it for now but he gets out and walk around on the table etc. So yeah he is more out then in the box. Good news they got the cage earlier than I thought so I picked it up the afternoon.


I did put him in the cage he seems fine he is just sitting on one perch and scrolling up and down.


How long does it take them to learn there ballance points etc. and to gain some strentgh?


He was sitting on the perch and lost his ballance then hung upside down but could not get back up again so I had to help him was afraid that he might drop.

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Guest Monique

All birds are different but it will not take him long. Maybe a couple of weeks. You can put a folded towel at the bottom of the cage, and cover with newspaper, and this will cushion any falls as he gets his footing.

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The more you spend time with him, the less time it will take. But all good advice above. Take it slow and really make it sound fun & exciting when you introduce new things. Good luck and keep us posted!!

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Thanks guys he is in his cage. What I did is when we got the cage I introduced him to the cage. He was just sitting on one spot, but now after the 3day in the cage he is moving around but only at the bottom. He is still getting his footing in order. I also moved all the perches very low so he does not drop from way up there.


I am just worried because I never see him go to his water bowl. If I show him were it is he will drink some water but I have not seen him on his own at the water bowl. Will they learn were all the bowls are? Sorry for this NOOB question. :blush: But he gets some water out of the formula that I feed him. I am still on three times a day then from Monday I am cutting down to 2 times a day. :)

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I rarely see Talon drink from her water bowl either. Since she is out most the day, I offer her little drinks of water or watered down juice. She also learned about 6 months ago to say "Thirsty Bird "when she is thirsty. Si that helps if I forget to offer her a drink when she's hanging out with me in my office.

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