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First day home


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So I have read alot on here. There were a few threads talking about how you should introduce new toys slowly. Play with them yourself first in front of your grey... i'm sure you've read them haha.


My question is when I first get her home, should I let her explore here new cage with the toys i've gotten her, maybe just a couple, none at all? Introduce them slowly?

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Yeah have some toys in the cage for her to play with, it probably won't take long and as babies they usually take to new toys more quickly than they do as they get a little older.


Put her in the cage and then later open up the door and see if she will venture out, she will come out when she is ready and it may be fairly quickly.

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There is a post in the nursery room about bringing your baby home, I dont know if you have read through this or not but I am sure you will find it useful.

Have you just brought your baby home or are you asking before you do?


I would introduce your baby to their new cage, I know it sounds silly but talk to your baby while you are touching the cage.Let them explore the cage in their own time. When I have brought a baby home I have tried to bring with me the perch they have been used to, just until they settle in or have bought one for them which is similar. Try putting a few toys in the cage but depending on the age of the baby, they may not be interested in these for a while. I have found my babies to be quite adapting and fearless.

Depending on age again, (mine were 12 weeks old when I brought them home,) remember to keep the perches down low and maybe place a towel over the grate with paper on top, this will cushion any fall a clumsy baby may have.


Please look around the Nursery room, there are a few threads in there you may find useful, be sure to post more pictures when you get the time;)





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Looking at the pictures you were provided with, it looks like the greys are all accustomed to toys, perhaps you can get a couple like the ones in the pictures, ask the owner what toys are your grey's favorite or which ones are in his cage? I would then get some like them. That is what I would do in your place.

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