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Oil Filled Room Heaters


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Yes. Oil filled heaters are safe around birds as long as you follow proper break-in practices. When you first get the heater home, run it outdoors or in the garage, for about 24 hours, to burn off any coatings.


When you bring it indoors, make sure it's not giving off any smell. If it's still doing so, repeat the process above. Once any odor is gone, it should be safe to use around your birds.


While the oil filled design is safe, to be absolutely sure the manufacturer didn't do anything stupid, you might want to pick from one of the oil heaters on the following site. Someone else has already done the research for you.



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That shouldn't be an issue. Carbon monoxide is formed by incomplete combustion. The oil in these heaters isn't being burned, just used to hold and evenly distribute heat. The oil itself is sealed inside the heater itself.


Now if there was some sort of malfunction where oil leaked out and burned, then the situation might change, but that's the case with anything in your home, not just heaters. That's why it's a very good idea to make sure you've installed carbon monoxide detectors around your home.<br><br>Post edited by: Kaedyn, at: 2008/11/06 16:05

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Ahh, ok, I thought they burned the oil as the fuel to create the heat. Carbon Monoxide is a by product of the burning of the fuel. I am assuming it actually uses electricity to heat the oil and the oil is just a medium to carry the heat.

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