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Just want to thank everyone for all the postings. I had a grey and my ex-husband took him(paco)in the divorce. He called me last week and asked me if I would take him back, due to he feels he cannot give him enough attention. I am now in the position that I can:cheer: care for him, just nervous about the transition. If anyone has any advise please respond. Looking forward to talking with everyone.

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You do not need to be nervous, I think Paco will remember you and everything will go much smoother if you just relax and let him decide how he feels about coming to live with you.


If you are able to give him the love and attention he needs then you will do fine with him, he may recognize you right off the bat or it may take a bit to settle into a new home, but in any case just be patient with him and give him some time to adjust and I think he will come around.

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Hi Joking, how is it going on your decision? I hope you have read through the threads here and they have helped you make a decision. Are you still nervous about meeting Paco? Sounds like he really needs a loving home. How old is Paco now? You hand-fed him as a baby and you have not seen him for seven years, but how old is he? Is he a talker and did you enjoy him when he was yours. I feel it would be a good thing if you could help him out of his lonely situation. Good luck on your decision. Remember I'm only a plane ride away!!!:silly: ;)

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How 'bout that, joking - luvparrots is even offering a backup plan! :) (Knowing her, she's solid on that, too.)


When you can, let us know how your thought process is going. We all know what a big decision this is for you and your new husband, and I'm guessing I speak for the lot of us when I say we really respect how carefully you are approaching the re-commitment.


Precisely because you are showing us that careful consideration, I am rooting for Paco to join you again. (Can't help myself....)

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