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Yawning and ear scratching


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Hey guys,


We are just back from a lovely 5 day holiday during which Zahzu stayed with the bird sitter. Zahzu was spoiled rotten and had a great time with her - she was out of her cage getting TLC all day, and only went back to her cage to sleep!


For a while now we have noticed she yawns, stretches her neck and makes this little 'click' noise and then scratches her ear and nose. She does this very frequently as though something is irritating her... I read a few posts on this forum and it indicated that this is normal - however I've always felt she's doing it too much - it can go on for a long time and she seems very itchy! The bird sitter also noticed this and said next time we need to take her to the vet we should get it checked up - was just wondering if anyone had an idea of what could be the problem?

There are no external signs like discharge or redness that i've noticed also.


PS. Zahzu is still plucking away!




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There's many different things in combination with eac other that can cause different problems.

1-- there might be only one thing causing a problem/problems.

2--there might be a number of things not connected,that are causing problems --many different combinations.

3--there might only be a problem in certain areas of which you mention which cause other reactions in other places.

The single cause or the many causes that might be occuring are to numerous to list and more importantly, it's all guess work when posted on a board.

You have a visual. You know what's increased as opposed to the way it was in the past.

Now is the time to go to the vet and have this combination of reactions checked out. It should be done quickly because things seem to be getting more frequent.


There's many different ways that a person can get a sore throat and a cold. At that point it's really not important to find out the many, many different possibilities of why that person got that sore throat and cold. It would the time to go to the MD to get checked out and get medication to fight the human infection. The MD can tell the person the possible reasons that he/she got sick.


The itching and dry skin are normally related to each other but for now, the other problems that you can't see should be looked at.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/05 18:02

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Sameera they all do yawn and stretch their necks and they scratch their heads with their feet, all normal. I think her skin might be dry and that is why she is scratching a lot and maybe plucking because of it too.<br><br>Post edited by: judygram, at: 2008/11/05 18:02

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hi.. Adanna does that to, although it doesnt make the click noise, i bath her about 3 times a week, or shower, and mist her daily with avi bird rain, it helps with dryness, i believe you can pick it up most places, but i buy it online, as its really hard to find in edinburgh. I mist adanna in the morning, she actually looks forward to it now lol

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