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Ok I have a question about George and his biting.

Someone here at home asked about putting bandades on my finger that he alway bites. Would it be ok do you think to put a couple extra on (For padding )and continue to work with him, and if he tries to bite it won't hurt as bad and maybe I could be able to pushback like I was told to do instead of pulling away. He has let me get much closer to him in the last fe days, I'm feeling positive about it. And he is also talk more and more. Not understanding everything he's saying. And Iv'e noticed he talks the most when I'm reading out loud something from this website. It's like he's approving hat I'm reading.


Marla & George

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Bandages might make the bird nervous. But that might be a good thing LOL!

Try looking at George sideways. Narrow your eyes, lower your head and stick your chin out a little. This makes you appear friendly. Also, always approach from the side or the back - never from the front or the top as this will put the bird into "self defense" mode.

Using these techniques during interactions with your bird might reduce biting.

Good luck!

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