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heya *newbie* doing research


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Heya, i am a new member, and before i ask the series of questions i will apoligise now for my lack of spelling ability (i am very dyslexic so takes me some time checking and rechecking my spelling) and i'd also like to apoligse for the lack of knowledge i have.



rite so here we go...


i am realy realy interested in "adopting" an african grey. i read the bill of rights that was posted on here. was a great source of info.


there are LOTS of things i would love to gain knowledge on.


such as, cleaning, cage size, wing clipping, training and just general caring of the bird i want the bird to not be a pet but a part of the family therfore the most important thing for me is for the parrot to have the best possible life that it canhave in captivity... please any help opinions resourse... ANYTHING that will help me, is trully appreciated. thanks again.:P

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Hello there!

Do not worry about your spelling.

We'll know what you mean. (You should have just said your bird was typing it...we'd have believed you! LOL)

Anyway, probably one of your best bets is to just scroll through the various posts here - you will find a ton of info.

And if you still have questions, fire away! There's no such thing as a stupid question, and everyone will be patient and kind - I assure you!

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thankyou :) i am realy enjoying reading posts and the pleasent friendly responces i have got so far :)


i was kind of wondering what peoples opinions are on a first parrot, being either a young fully wheaned or mayber slightly older maybe a rescued bird? thankies :)

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Just my feelings here. If I may make a suggestion---it's wonderful that you're considering adopting a grey which more than likely, will be an older bird but if you've never had a grey or other medium sized parrot before, you should think about getting a baby bird, the reason being that some of the things you would like to achieve with an older parrot may not happen the way you would like. An older grey has some habits, be they good or bad habits that most likely won't change. The past living situations of older greys may have been complicated.

So, think about your choices. Ask about the differences between an older bird and a younger bird. Many people have had success with adopted birds but many people haven't.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/11/05 02:03

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thankyou, i have read many of your posts dave007 and realy appreciate your opinions and knowledge, it was users such as yourself i was hopeing to be able to talk to to gain as much info as possible, i didnt want to rush into ging out buying bird from a pet shop knowing nothing about it and the n being in a stuation that i cant give the bird what it needs, i have been looking up the problems that the greys suffer from like the behavior "problems" just so i dont expect an easy ride with one but realy want to learn as much as possible! thanks again

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You came to the right place.


I just got a grey and this site has been the best source of help I could ask for!.


If you need to know something specific the search feature on this site is great as well and you can usually find things very easy!



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You seem to have a great attitude about getting a grey. Its really nice to see someone putting the greys welfare first and wanting to make all the right decisions and choices before you get an african grey. And I love it that you want it to be part of the family instead of a pet:)


Dave makes some good points above about getting a baby and that probably is the best and most ideal thing to do. You can raise them from the start and they will get used to you and your lifestyle and you 2 can grow and learn together.


I on the other hand had no experience with a parrot and chose to adopt a 12 year old grey, mainly because it was more affordable to me. I had no knowledge what so ever and this forum was invaluable to me. Baxter (my grey) did have some habits and issues that we had to get through but over all it has been a great experience for me. I don't think it would have been as easy as it was if I didn't have this forum to turn to and get help. I was very lucky too though because Baxter had a great disposition from the start and every accomplishment we made was so rewarding to me and I wouldn't change a thing. I also had the time too since I work out of my house.


Some potential adoptive birds could be more challenging than Baxter was so if you do consider adopting just make sure you ask alot of questions and get a good feel for the bird and his previous lifestyle. If Baxter was half wild or mean before I got him my road would have been much more rough than it was. A baby is probably the best way to go but I found adopting very rewarding to me.


I think what ever you decide will be fine as you seem to be the kind who will do your research and make the right decision for you. Good luck to you. We are all here to help you.


You asked about cleaning, cages, wing clipping & general care.


Get the biggest cage you can for your grey. Cleaning may have to be changed a little bit because they are sensitive to chemicals and could harm and even kill your bird. I use vinegar and water. There is also a thread on cleaning on the forum, too. Wing clipping is a personal choice. Some members birds wings are not clipped but others do have their birds wing clipped. African greys need out of the cage time everyday. I think it's about (atleast) 4 hours a day recommended,more if you can. They need attention everyday. The more time you spend with them the better results you will get. Make sure they eat a healthy diet with pellets and fresh veggies and fruits. You can never learn enough so just read through all the posts and you will get a ton of information:) If there is something specific you want to know like "diet" for example, put that word in the search box and hit the enter key and many threads will come up. If you can't find it just ask us:)


Greys are great companions/family members and mine has brought me great joy:)<br><br>Post edited by: BaxtersMom, at: 2008/11/05 02:35

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I'm a new Grey mom, and this forum has absolutely been an invaluable resource. The senior members here definitely have my trust. The hubby and I went with a baby (4 months), as we wanted to have complete control in molding him into a well-adjusted birdie. We decided we didn't have the skill-level neccessary to handle any social problems an older Grey might bring, and elected to bring home a little one rather than trying to seek out a well-adjusted adult. I just don't trust people's ability to care for other living things as much as I trust the potential of an untainted baby Grey.


I'm SO glad you "stumbled" upon this forum. You'll find lots of great information here. Welcome to the family!

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