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Hootie Flew!!!


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Hello, I can't believe how much hootie has changed over

night..Last night we had him out playing with him he has been trying to fly.Well anyways I walked to the bathroom

and walked out hootie was with my husband and before I knew it I had to put my arms out cause he was flying right toward me.Well anyways he has been hanging kinda low to the bottom of the cage since we had him.I woke up this morning and he a total different bird we usually give him a couple spoon fulls of formula cause he is calling for it.Not this morning he wanted nothing to do with it.He is eating his fruits fresh veggies and pasta and pellets he really never liked the seeds.And to top things of he is a total monkey in his cage now.Hanging upside down making me nervous.


The day we brought him home Oct 18,2008



And this one was yesterday checking his new toy out Nov 3,2008


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This must have been an exciting moment for you and like Harvey said, once they find their wings there will be no stopping Hootie now!


How old is Hootie? I just looked at your previous threads and Hootie is beautiful! Please feel free to post as many pictures as you like in the Nursery, and keep us updated with any news you want to shout about!

We all want to hear!:)



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