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My ex-husband just called me a few days ago and asked me if I would take Paco back after 7 yrs? I am now remarried and have no children at home other than a 1yr old pug(Bella). I am a little nervous about taking him back, Will he remember me? My ex tells me he has not had him out of his cage for a long time. Do you think I can re-train him. I am a flight attendant and do have the time to spend with him when I am home, my new husband has never had a bird before. Any input would sure be welcome.

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Hi Joking, welcome to the forum. I have a pug named Lily, my most precious little friend so loving and cuddly. Pugs are great aren't they. My advice would be to read through the threads of information provided in this forum. There is an abundance of helpful information to remind you of what your obligation to a grey should be. Ask any questions and experienced members will be glad to help you. How did you feel about Paco 7 years ago. Was it a good relationship. And will he remember you, of course he will after a little get to know time. Paco needs to have time out of his cage please help him. Greys are wonderful companions and if you find he doesn't fix into you home, hey you're a flight attendant if you come to the Portland/Vancouver area bring him to my house and I'll take care of him!! Good luck on your decision. I believe your new hubby will love Paco.

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Welcome, Joking!


Luvparrots has given you some great advice. I know I have read a couple of stories on here (wish I could remember from whom...) from people who have gotten their greys back after several years, and the birds definitely remembered them. Go through the thought process that luvparrots suggested, and be sure to include your new husband in the discussion, so he also understands the commitment level involved. I think it would be fair to expect that Paco will need some time to adjust, especially if he hasn't been handled in a while - remember: they are like young human children. But if you had a good relationship with him 7 years ago, I think you would probably be the best person to undertake that rehabilitation process.


I hope you and your new husband will come to feel that you are able to take him back. Please keep us posted!

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Welcome Joking!!


The others have given great advice. I do have one question, how long did you have Paco before you split up? How long has Paco been cage bound?


It may take a lot of work and commitment to get Paco back to the same Grey you may remember. Also, he may never be the snuggle muffin he once was. He is much older and has his own mend also now.


If you and your husband talk and decide your home will be Paco's last, no matter what it takes or how long, then it would be a good move. If you two can not be that resolute in your decision, I would have your Ex find a good loving forever home for Paco instead.

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Hi Joking, welcome here. I think that Paco will remember you- did you spend lots of time with him when you were with your ex? If you are willing and ready for the commitment that having a grey entails then I say go for it. It will take some time and patience but it would be great for Paco to have a loving home where he can feel like part of the flock. Best of luck in your decision and let us know what you decide to do.

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Hello Joking and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Paco.


This is wonderful that you are in a position to take Paco back from your ex husband and I think he will remember you indeed, they don't forget that easily even if it has been 7 years.


Just take your time with him when you get home, let him tell you when he is ready to allow you to handle him. It would help if we knew a little more about him from before when he was with you so fill us in and we will be better able to give you some ideas and suggestions to make the transition smoother.


Please do read thru the many threads for lots of useful and helpful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


When you do get him home please consider taking a few pictures and share them with us.:)

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wow! what a nice thing to do i taking the grey back :) i think it will remember the tones of your voice, even if you have changed :) If you are taking it home though, as a lotof other members are saying, take the time to get know him again, spend time talking to him in the cage etc, then gradually try to do more with him, maybe like hand feed him a grape, or attempt to stroke him.. Only if he looks like hes more settled though, imagine how scary we are to birds lol! Im sure he will be fine though, good luck, and i look forward to hearing more from you


Michelle and adanna x

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Hi I think as long as you and your husband are willing and able to take on the hugh task and commitment of a grey then go ahead. Remember all the good and bad things of grey ownership and ensure your husband is aware of all it entails. If you take Paco back, my advise is to treat him as a totally new bird. He may well remember you but you need to get to know the older Paco who may have habbits and issues you were not aware of. It will take time and a lot of patience to re establish a bond but it can be done as you will see by reading through verious threads hear. I wish you luck and hope you keep us informed of your decision. Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/11/16 11:49

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That would be a nice reunion after so long. You said you were nervous but did not say whether you really wanted him back or not though. If you want him back and can give him the life he deserves with plenty of attention and plenty out of the cage time, your heart was in it and your husband is on board I would go for it. If you arent sure you want the responsibility and commitment it might be better to let your ex find him a loving & responsible forever home. So many birds get passed from place to place and it can be a very sad life for a grey. You probably would be the best person for him but are you ready to make the life long commitment again? Please keep us posted and good luck with what ever you decide. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for all the response. We have decided to take Paco back. My new husband has had birds in the past. I let him know that this would be a huge commitment. I called the ex and told him to take Paco to the vet for a wellness check-up. I didn't want Paco's first encounter with me to be stressful. I am working until Tuesday of this week and then off the rest of the month so I can spend lot's of quality time with Paco. If any one has advise on what I could do to help make the transition please please write back.

I have read lots about non-stick pans and just wanted to ask there are new pans out that don't have that chemical in them. Anyone know anything about them? I will post pic of Paco soon. Jo

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I am pleased you came to this decision.You are doing right with the vet check.The best advise I can offer is take it slow. Just go at Pacos pace and let him decide when he is ready to move things on. Let him adjust to his new home He will let you give head scritches and such when he is ready. Ask about his diet and feed what he is used to.If he is coming with his own cage that should help the transition. If not have his new cage all ready for him and try and bring with him some of his old toys and perches for his new cage to make him feel at home.

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I am so glad you are going to take Paco back into your home and like Shelia said in the previous post, let him decide when he is ready for new steps with you.


We do have a rescue room where you will finds lots of useful info that will be of some help with him so look around it real good.


A lot of us use regular old stainless steel pans and if you experiment a little you will find you can cook just as well with them as using the nonstick pans.

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