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Progress with George


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I had a little progress ith George. I hwas working with him and the targeting sticks. After about 15-20 minutes I asked him to step up and barely touched his foot and after a few minutes when I ould say "Step Up" he would put his foot on the stick. The sticks i'm using are about a 1/4 dowel about 1 foot long. How long should I work with that size before i move up to a larger size dowel? One that fits his feet better. I''m pretty excited about our work today.

Oh and I have finally figured out what his favorite treat is. Safflower seeds. He'll go all over the cage for them.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm worried

George hasn't said a word in weeks. I don't know what could be wrong now. Nothing has changed in the house except for all the company we had is gone. Now he beeps and mimics sounds he hears on the t.v. But none of his normal words he used to say. What should I do now? I am so confussed at whats going on with George. we still can't get him to step up, he still bites and lunges.

But he did give himself a bath yesterday. I caught him in his water bowl and was throwing it everywhere. It was cute to watch. And he has started to going to the bottom of his cage by himself,with out me coaxing him down. But he still doesn't play with his toys. He has toys in his cage that he has never touched. He will play with them if i set on the floor in front of the cage and play with them with him. Like rolling the ball around he will attack it and try to stand on it then it rolls out from under him and he rolls with it. He seems to enjoy it. Anymore advice would be greatly appreciated. I love George so much and want to just to be able to make him as happy as I can. But I'm afraid I'm loosing ground with him.

Thanks Marla

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Hi Marla,


Dont lose hope just yet. Remember where he came from and how long its been since he has been in your home. Birds like george can take a while to come around and come out of his shell. All greys are different and unique with their own experiences. Give him as much time and space and he needs and do everything you are doing. Spend as much time as you can, watch tv, read, sing and relax with him.


Good luck

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Hi Marla. It sounds like George is interested in playing with you on the floor,thats the way forward with him. That is an interaction he enjoys so use it to your advantage. roll his ball and let him play,offer treats by hand while you are playing with him. That is exactly how I persuaded Charlie to like me when I first got him.Put his toys on the floor and have fun with him.Above all dont give up,It can take many months for a grey to trust

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Thanks for the encouragement. Have you ever had one of your birds or heard of one to just stop talking. He used to talk his head off. He would ask What's Your Problem, and Cracker Please,and Hello and other things we couldn't understand. But now he just beeps and clicks and Knocks and makes cute little noises, but I miss him talking. Like I said it's been weeks since he has said anything.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We got George a used play stand for Christmas. It's almost as tall as his cage.He still won't let us touch him of course but..... We can get him to come out on to the play stand. We put a peanut or a nutra treat out on one of the perches and he will come out and get it. I'm so excited. The play stand isn't the prettiest stand. But I can always improve it.

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