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Wants everything I'm eating!


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Sassy just wants anything we are eating! I'm guessing this is normal but I just don't want to give her everything!


Shes very sweet about it. Just now I was feeding her pasta. At the same time I was eating some Halloween candy. She just strolls on down my arm from my shoulder and tries to get it!


Yesterday was pork chops for dinner. She was not happy with the greens and pasta we were sharing with her. shes strolls on down to the table and wants the pork chops!


I just don't want her getting into stuff she shouldn't have. I'd like to give her everything but I want her to stay healthy.


I can't get her to eat very much vegetables. I've tried carrots, broccoli, bell peppers, jalapeno peppers, lettuce. people food I've only been successful with cheerios, grapes, pasta, and some bread crust.

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Disguising fruits and vegetables in oatmeal is something that I understand works with greys. Or because greys love to have the foods you eat--suck it up and get healthy, for Sassy's sake!!!:silly: :P :kiss: Realistically, there are some great recipes in the food room you should check out. Good luck!!

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This is perfectly normal , don't they want everything ? The mail , keys , phone , magazine , purse , brush , they are just exploring , like little kids .The best thing you can do , what someone else suggested is eat healthy food and she will too. Then you both will be healthy . My birds eat all the veggies we eat , plus fish , pork , chicken .Baked of course . My Alexandrine loves pineapple , and the CAG loves acorn squash , baked and mashed .They are so funny , they get their dinner on little plates at the bar . It is fun to watch them smack their beaks and I know they get good food .It makes me cook healthy food also , which is great for us . I have learned they like wet moist warm veggies and food over dry , raw .They really eat a lot and neither are over weight .

Good luck and happy cooking .

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Yep, everything is game. We REALLY have to watch Dayo. If we sit our coffee cup down, he flies over and starts gulping as we're saying NoOOoooOoooOooOoo. I think he's a caffienOholic.


In regards your grey not liking veggies yet, just keep offering them and he will start eating them. Their tastes change over time. Also, some days they will pig out on veggies or fruits and other days they won't touch them. I am starting to believe they know what they need and when and eat accordingly, well to a certain degree. ;-)

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I think your right Dan for a very long time I couldn't get Tyco to eat dark green leafy vegetables or broccoli but for the last couple weeks she can't seem to get enough of the stuff. Ever since I try Beet greens she's been gobbleing everything leafy she plays with it while she eats its it its very funny to watch her beat up on a romain lettace leaf and the take a bite and beat it up again. I don't care how she eats it as long as she does.

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I am a non meat eater but my eating has never been so healthy since Misty came into my life. As he is very insistent on sharing my food I take care that I avoid salt and saturated fats more for his sake that mine. I do miss avocados but I won't take the risk. I also love chocolate but I have had to resort to eating it in secret.

I do feel a bit guilty sometimes but I can't let him rule my life completely can I ?





Steve n Misty<br><br>Post edited by: Mistyparrot, at: 2008/11/04 19:25

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I started feeding him in little glass bowls. My husband makes my plate and rexxy bowl next to my plate. His bowl has the same as my plate but without the salt and butter and maybe some extra of his favorites. This way he looks at my plate and looks at his bowl and see they are the same and then eats from his.


When he is done, he will sneek over to the plate and then pass it up ...maybe he thinks I just had that.


My tip ;)

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ok I have to ask, just because I'm a little jelous of everyone. Getting in so much love time in ith their birdsand I'm still trying to not get bit by George.

But when your birdsa are on your dinner table eating when you are. Dothe birds poop on the table. I love George but I don't kno about him pooping on the table while we're eating. Just asking.


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mine dont eat at the table they have their own custom stand with food bowls and i fill the bowl when i sit to eat a few feet away. The boys always want to eat at the same time, its their flock mentality, but thats me, im sure others have their own system. Im sorry you have to worry about being bit, I have been bit only twice at that was the first 2 days. I bet its frustrating thankfully you havent given up on him yet

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Only from my experience but I don't think greys like to poop where they eat.

In any case it is not difficult to spot the signs when they want to go.

Similarly Misty has not pooped in his cage at all since he is only in there to sleep.

When he comes out in the morning I make sure he is in the right place to drop The Big One.


Steve n Misty

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I think you have a typical grey :P Ace is the same way. He is out of his cage most of the day, so he will help himself by coming to where we are to eat what we are eating. From the start I have always invited Ace to the table to eat with us..he often will be onthe table and walk around checking out everyones plate :P If by chance he is in his cage, he lets us know he wants out to come eat too!

I know what you mean by him wanting to only eat healthy stuff, id try by just changing what you eat too :) We eat healthy for the most part. Everyonce in a while we'll have fast food, or the kids will have candy..and we share with him too, but its not an everyday thing, just a tiny bite here and there. Ace pretty much eats whatever we eat :)

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Mine always like to try everything we eat as long as its safe for them to do so. Like Dan said though, we have to watch where we put our cups as they would gladly help themselves to anything in a cup or glass.

They are so cheeky!


I love to have them share meal times with us, after all they are part of the family:)



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