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Last time i was here i had a grey just got him, ended up having to get rid of him because i just got a newborn daughter at the stage and as things go, i couldnt give my care to both at once as much as i wanted to i thought it was the right choice to find a nice home for the grey which i did.


Anyway story short daughters a little older now and i got a new grey yesterday apparently a girl but i am not 100% on that as i would need it sexed but doesnt bother me.


No names yet cage is huge this time around 2 times bigger than my last cage i can actually get in this cage lol. He/She is just settling in can step up at such a young age, when it wants that is. Not bad for only being here overnight last night, brought it( ill say for now until im sure of sex) out and little critter jumped on my shoulder and bit my ear.


So at the moment back in the cage it goes, not for me being scared but hopefully this will teach him/her.


P.S looking forward to relearning everything idid here before.


Pics to follow :)

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Harro, let me get this straight, you joined on November 27, 2007 and you had just got an 18 week old grey baby and then you turned around and got rid of him because you had a newborn come into your life, now you have just gotten another grey and it is not even quite a full year later. What has changed in your life, do you still have the newborn daughter that would be about 1 year old now? I am confused for I don't see much difference in the time a newborn and a 1 year old child requires in care and in having a grey at the same time in the house.


Besides you must not have given it much thought before you got the grey for it takes 9 months to make a baby so it was not like you didn't know it was coming way ahead of time.


Getting a grey or any parrot is something not to be taken lightly, they become a part of the family, they learn to trust that we will be there for them if they need us and getting one should be a lifetime committment. You said in your introduction thread, "I'm New Here" these words,


"Anyway im here to learn of the rest of you as i wanna give this bird (unnamed so far) a brilliant amazing life and home.


Hes my new parrot for life."


Do you remember saying those words? There they are in black and white and obviously they didn't mean squat for you turned around and got rid of the bird because you had a baby come into your life.


Here is another quote from the above post in this thread and I include it to show you do not know much about the african grey for you need to do some research before you do some harm to this precious grey.


"So at the moment back in the cage it goes, not for me being scared but hopefully this will teach him/her."


Please read thru many of the threads here on this site, you will find lots of helpful information and a lot of the members will help you in any way they can but you have to be committed to this bird, this is why we like for people to be very sure they actually want a grey before getting one.


You haven't shown me you have the committment to this bird yet but I am open to be convinced, I will be watching your posts and hopefully one day I can eat my words but until then do your homework.

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My daughter no longer lives with me. I work from home. And lots of changes are in order in why i had time to think it over this time around.


Also last time i got my grey before my daughters mother lived with me we tried it out when things where going well until it didnt and she now doesnt live with me again. And I always regretted getting rid of my old one. And ever since i wanted it back or another. I never profited from getting it a new home i gave it away with its cage and everything.


And ive read threads to the above quote as you blame it on reading


""So at the moment back in the cage it goes, not for me being scared but hopefully this will teach him/her."


This was not an instant jumping out of my skin screaming NOOOO DONT GET IN THERE, this was a steady "NO" and not instantly thrown back in the cage, but as things go i believe i might have used the wrong wording but i put it back in its cage, if your naughty i dont want to play no more.


So your trying to say this is wrong ?

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Ok so things change, do you think that that never stops, we all go thru changes but we don't get rid of the bird like it was yesterday's newspaper. I just think you should have given this much thought before you purchased the first grey.


Now what happens if the child comes to live with you again, is the bird out the door again? I don't mean to be on your case but making the decision to get a grey is making a lifetime committment. My grey islike a member of my family, I could no more give her away than I could one of my own human children.


I would like to see you become committed to this grey this time, keep her in your family no matter what, he/she deserves no less.

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Welcome back Harro!


It sounds like you've been through some hell and are starting to get your bearings and some semblance of a normal life put back together. Not my business, but what you shared sounds like a lot of pain to me.


You did do the right thing in placing your grey back in the cage for a time-out after the bite immediately. That way it connects in their minds. We have done the same with our Grey when he gets nippy.


It does sound like you took a responsible path in finding a good and loving home for your previous grey. Are you friends with the people and as such have an opportunity now and then to see him?


I do understand where Judy is coming from, as I think from your response, you do too. We now we take getting a grey as a "For Life" commitment and become pretty concerned when we hear of someone having to rehome. I'm sure you already knew this from your previous time spent on this forum and would imagine it took consideration on your part if you even wanted to come back and face the music. ;-)


Looking forward to gearing more from you.

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Thanks for that last message, i fullwell know if i ran a grey forum id be saying the exact same things back, i had a hard time and wasnt easy for me to get rid of the last one, as much as this one will be part of my family. I have had more time to want another one and know some tricks of the trade from previous experience.


And having a first new born daughter is stressful enough and she came first, sorry im human afterall and to anyone in this forum that says i did the wrong thing, yes maybe but with my father protection instincts kicking in, i thought not only was i doing the right thing for my daughter i was doing the right thing getting a loving home for my grey, because my time with it would have dropped.

To answer the question above also, i know where my old parrot (einstein) is living, its a little bit far from where i am now, but we keep in touch on msn messenger. (The owner not the parrot) lol.


But yes this time around is a better, for life, my daughter is walking talking and everything now, she visits, and was here yesterday actually under supervision hand feeding the parrot. She loves it and its a great idea in my eyes to get them used to each other as soon as possible to break any future stress out. Not only with her but for it to learn no matter what when im there it will be safe.


While im also not great at wording and maybe i come off in the wrong way i dont mean too, its just im crappy at writing.


But ive ordered also 3/4 books from amazon they are coming also tomorrow.


1 African Grey Parrots (Comp... £5.49 1 £5.49


1 African Grey Parrot Handbo... £8.99 1 £8.99


1 £8.99


1 Parrots for Dummies (For D... £7.19 1 £7.19


One being Parrots for dummies i love the for dummies books they are so easy to read, but just incase i got specialist books dedicated for greys, so while some here think i have not thought this through after painfully having to give one away before I HAVE!

This time he/she is my little best friend, as i have stated before i live alone, work from home, and i have the time. My daughter visits yes, but now shes older and i understand things a lot more now.


Anyway thanks. Will get pictures in a few!

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Hi HaRRo and welcome back. I have to say one thing and not to be critical but please be very careful of your little daughter being around the grey. Your daughter could be very seriously bitten by a parrot, and also your parrot could be easily injured or scared by a toddler. I'm glad you are trying to educate yourself on greys and trying your best to give this one a good home. I would recommend the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker. It is one of the best on greys I've read. Best of luck to you and please, be careful and supervise your daughter at all times with the bird.

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Yeh trust me Lyric like anyone animal they cant be trusted not to bite anyone, but under certain supervision like i have and will be doing again in the future, things can be pretty fine for both. And actually educate and help eachother. I would never let her hold him and things like that but feeding is an easier thing to do as she cant drop him/her and the grey will be more interested in the food to worry about anything else.


As strange as it sounds, even though im not an expert parrot guru, im pretty safe and wouldnt let her do it if i wasnt sure of the situation.


Thanks for the tip on the book!


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All im stuck on is a name, my last one was Einstein but i dont want to use the same name again as its disrespectful.


Maybe one of my books will give me a notion to name it, i guess maybe i should wait until i see how the personality is too :)

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welcome back I understand how circumstaces can change without notice. I trully hope you take owning this Baby more serious Greys need the same unconditional love that you give your child. good luck I love the pics of your baby it does look like a girl to me but thats just a guess. mabie you could take a look a baby names on the web and find a name that can be a girl or boys name that way you won't have to change it after you have her/him sexed.

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You do have a very pretty grey, Harro and like the others have said, I hope you are committed to this one and not discard him/her if circumstances change in your life, thanks for sharing the pics of your as yet nameless grey.


I'm betting this is a male too but only the DNA test will tell for sure, let us know when you find out and what the name will be.

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Harro great pictures of your baby Congo. Can't wait to hear more about your grey and what name you decide fits. If you need any help, let us know and we will be glad to help you choose. We are a very opinionated group as you no doubt have noticed:evil: ;) :silly: So welcome back to the family!

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