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The Nursery room./ Introduction from Casper.


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I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself to all the fantastic members on here just to give you all an insight into my experience with my beautiful boys!


My real name is Caroline and I have been a member of this wonderful forum for approx a year now. I have met some Great people on here, met lots of good friends and the experience I have gained on here from members old and new has been out of this world!


I own three beautiful greys. My eldest grey Charlie is 16 months old, Keeko 8 months and my latest addition Jasper is 5 months. My greys are my world! They mean so much to me I cant begin to even explain! But as grey owners you know where I am coming from!


My boys were all 12 weeks old when I brought each one home. I for one know the importance of looking after these wonderful birds from an early age! I plan on sharing my experiences with members of the forum with their new bundles of joy! There is nothing better than sharing those new moments with someone who understands and wants to listen, exchanging ideas, guiding people through those early days when not only can it be exciting, but people have concerns or just want to shout about something new their baby has done that day! Nothing is to small, I am here to try and help anyone or just to listen!


Things wont happen in the Nursery room overnight, but with everyones input, research, reading but most importantly the first hand experience with my boys I will try to cover everything I can! Those early days with our babies are so important! The way we interact with these birds at such a young age I personally feel sets them up for the rest of their life, which to me is such an important factor of grey ownership, I am blessed to have three happy, sociable loving greys!


Please post in the Nursery room and share with everyone on the forum! I understand some people maybe dont like to post every concern they may have, please feel free to pm me, I am on this forum at least twice a day.


I feel very proud to be a member here, and would like to thank everyone for their continued support, posts, photos etc! The members make this forum the best Grey forum around!


A special thankyou to Talon, for opening new doors and giving me such a great opportunity to share with people.


Thankyou for reading.



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Thank you Carolyn loved the introduction into you and look forward to hearing your experience and blabbing to you all the little things ZZero does:) you asked for it hehe. I have a artical that my breeder wrote about introductions and I think its perfect can I email it to you and you decide to post or not??

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Hey Caroline, I'm sure glad that you are now a moderator. I know I'm going to be needing a lot of help with my first ever parrot, a baby TAG. And I really appreciate this great background information on your qualifications cuz now I can cancel that FBI investigation I was having done on the new nursery moderator. :silly: ;) You know how it is with our fids; cuz I want only the best for my new baby.;) :silly: Seriously, I have enjoyed your posts and truly appreciate all the help and information you have so generously provided to us. You go girl!!!<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/11/03 22:01

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What a wonderful introduction Caroline, but what can I say that I haven't told you already, you are going to do good things with this room and Penny couldn't have made a better choice for moderator.


I look forward to working with you and with you added as mod we all make a greyt team.:) B)

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