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Winter is on its way to kuwait and im really worried about Kaskoo. Its not cold enough to turn on the heaters, but you still have to wear a jacket before leaving home. Is there anything i should do? I honestly have no clue on how to keep him warm these days..:(

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I can tell you temperatures in Farenheit


in the house, the temperature can be as cool as 64 or as warm as 72/73 (approx).


If the house keeps a steady temperature a grey or other similar parrot can handle that very well even if the temperature is as low as 64. if there is any temperature change it should be gradual, no quick up or down temperature changes.


The cage should be kept away from drafts because drafts are colder than the house temperature.

Right now, there are some parts of the US where snow or very cold weather has already arrived. Everyone is now wearing coats outside and my winter here will last for about 5 to 6 mts.

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Well, I know my Maxi really HATES the color pink, so it may be that Kaskoo is reacting to the color of the blanket - or he could just be scared of a strange new object in his cage. A question : is Kaskoo's cage outside? Is that why you are so concerned about the season change? If so, how cold does it actually get in the winter in Kuwait?

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If you want to continue having a good relationship with your bird, putting foreign objects in his cage such as baskets and boxes is not the way to continue that good relationship. Many greys are afraid of boxes so it doesn't surprise me that he was terrified. It could have been worse. He might have fallen down and hurt himself by being so frightened of those types of items. It seems that you feel that your bird is cold. What signs has he given you that he's cold? You've been given a rough temperature chart to follow. Whatever you decide to do will take the bird a long time to accept and should be done very gradually and whatever you do should be done with your bird having a constant visual of you which will give him a sense of security and it shouldn't include foreign items like boxes and baskets unless you've checked out whether these items are used with parrots. He may not like the color red but the basket was what frightened him first, not a cover. If you decide to put a cover on the cage, that should be the only item that should be used. You can try a very bland colored cover such as beige and that cover should only partially cover the bird until he gets used to it and that might take a few weeks, not days. After he gets used to it, more of the cage can be covered. Many things introduced to CAGs take a long time for that bird to accept. New cages, new toys, new perches, new bowls, new playstands etc.

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In Kuwait right now the temperature is in its low 20Cs (68F) which compared to our normal weather is freezing!! I always cover Kaskoo when we go to bed, and I also made sure he was watching over me as I added the basket to his cage, then I played with it a bit, put him in the cage without closing the top, and tried to get him to get closer by using grapes, but he didnt like it. He was shivering in the morning so I guessed he was as cold as i was. I guess if there is no improvment with the basket in a week, i will take it off and add another cover. But if its gonna get colder id rather not cover his cage with 3 covers! That would make the cage stuffy. So, I assumed that adding a basket to his cage would keep him warm when the temperature decreases, and it would make his cage more enjoyable for him.

Kaskoos cage is inside the house, but its still cold since its we still havent gotten the heaters out.

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