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There are too many to list, really all you need to do is google bird toys or bird food and take your pick from what comes up, I have bought from many different sites and it just depends on what kind of toys and foods you are looking for.


A better idea is check out the threads we have here for DIY toys made from common things in the home, you can put toys in the search box and find them.

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Hi Candy & Sterling. Dr's Foster and Smith are a good reputable company to do business with. I order from them a lot and have never had any trouble with them. www.drsfostersmith.com.

There are lots of great sites where you can find all kinds of toys. I ordered from www.birdyboredombusters.com for Lyric's second hatchday presents and they have a good selection of foot toys and also offered good customer service.

As Judy suggested, making your own toys is also a good option- check out your local dollar store or the baby toy section in your local retail store for inexpensive toy parts- just be sure to monitor your bird with any new toy to be sure it is safe.

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