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Chloe learning to fly...


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Well over the past few days Chloe has really become a good little flyer! She is persistant though! When she decides she doesn't want to sit on her play stand she will fly to my head...OVER and OVER again!! I just keep putting the little stinker back on her stand and she keeps flying back to my head! This morning she flew to me...the wind from her wings made all the cheerios in my daughters cereal bowl go flying! It looked like a cheerio blizzard.

On the 30th she decided she liked the lamp...we snapped a few pictures since we thought it was the cutest thing!


http://www.flickr.com/photos/fairymyst78/sets/72157608569187285/<br><br>Post edited by: fairymyst78, at: 2008/11/02 16:25

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Those are some very cute pictures. I really like the one where she is looking down at us from inside the shade.:laugh: They can be little stinkers. Mine have started the same thing kind of. If I don't talk to them for awhile and they know I am around they will fly and try to find me in the back room (which is where I usually am) Gosh, they are so darn smart;)

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The lamp picture is so funny! I love that picture.

Mine always used to fly to my head when they were just starting to learn their flying skills.Thankfully they land on my arm or my shoulder now instead!

What your doing is right by placing Chloe back on her playstand if that is where you want her to be!

Just remember, this is where the fun begins!


Thanks for sharing those lovely pictures with us.



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