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Well its arrived !

The day Im finally taking George home and I'm so nervous

We start home about 2-00pm and will arrive about 8-00pm.

We will make a few stops and will keep a careful eye on him .My son is going to sit with him in the back of the car so he will have company.Hopefully all will go well so will let you know how it all goes either when I get home or tomorrow as I have taken the day of work to get things sorted and settled .:)

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I'm home all safe and well with George!

I got really stressed trying to get him into his travel cage so I called the guy whom I got him of and he come straight over .I'm so pleased he did as well ,within minutes he had George out and on his hand and then everybody else had a hold as well !!!!! Something we had not been able to do .The guy is amazing and showed me some wonderful things to do with George.

Once he was in his cage he seemed to settle well and travelled brilliantly.He never said a word but inspected all his cage and never stopped still ,he did feed and drink on way as well.

It took us bit longer than I thought to get home cause of delays due to weather and accidents.

When I got home his cage was all sorted and ready for him so took him out his travel cage into his new cage and he seems settled and his very vocal !!

He has not moved of the perch yet and he his sat preening all his feathers one by one !Think the best thing is to leave him alone and to settle for few days before I disturb him any more.

I got lots of photos as well cause I bought a new camera to take lots so will try to post them tomorrow !

Many Thanks for all your good wishes and hope not rabbited on to much :)

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Oh that sounds like it went very well. If he is already being vocal and sitting and preening I think he is already starting to feel at home. I am so happy for you! Can't wait for to hear about all your upcoming adventures with George:) Your life will never be the same again;) :woohoo:

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George is OK (I think ?) he has not been vocal since this morn when I got up.He is eating and drinking well tho .Have managed to mist him with aloe vera juice because he is moulting as well .I am sat next to him whilst I'm on the comp just talking away and have got the door open for him .Do you think I should open up the top as well ? I thought I could be really confident now I got him home but am so nervous its me who's shaking !

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I am so pleased for you! Its only natural you feeling a bit nervous but it sounds like George is settling in well.


It might take George a couple of days to be more vocal! This is normal as he is just getting used to his new surroundings!


Just take things slowly with him, he may just be happy watching you for a couple of days before he ventures out.


I am so excited for you, you will be a great parront to George.:)

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I agreenwith Judy open the door and let him out if He so desires. he may want to be close to you. I'm glad things went well on the trip home everything will just get more and more wonderful now. Having a Grey in the house is the best You'll never be lonley thats for sure. They are trully amazing birds.

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Well George as been home few days now.He came out og his cage for first time on Mon evening of his own accord.Climbed up on top of his cage and stayed there just looking around.He as just done the same thing again today.Makes no attempt to do anything else and is still very jittery.He still as not spoken despite talking non stop before I bought him home.He is eating and drinking well .He is preening a lot as well and finding lots of white downie feathers as well but he looks fine so will keep eye on him and see how he goes on .:unsure:

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Thanks Cindy for the update on George, he just needs a little more time to settle in so be patient with him and you will be rewarded I'm sure.


He will resume talking when he feels more comfortable in his new surroundings but he should be chattering away very soon, remember patience is key here.


He may be going thru a molt right now and that is why you are seeing a lot of downy feathers but keep an eye on it to make sure that is all it is.


Keep up the good work Marie and be sure to keep us informed of the progress with George.:)

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Marie, George is just trying to figure out what is going on. Remember he was at your Mom's and thought he was going to live there and then suddenly there he was moving again so I'm sure he was a little nervous and wondering if he was going to be moved again. BUT now he is coming out of his cage at this very comfortable and loving place and is hoping this is his forever home. When he finally sees that it is--Presto he will be all over the place and you'll be posting us asking what to do with this grey who calls you all the time and won't let you leave the room. All is good enjoy your new friend.

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