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I just got a year old Timneh from a family whom she was not getting enough attention from. She's doing very well adjusting and seems to be very happy. I sent off a DNA test so I should know her sex for sure by next week and can settle on a name. =)


I have previously had 2 other african greys for a short amount of time. Life has it's ways of educating me I guess.


I have a Biology degree, always wanted to be a vet since I was young but now I'm searching for other roads involving animals. I own 2 cats (Lucy & Tabby), 3 rats (Aurora, Mr. Deeds, & Stan), 4 cornsnakes (Ember, Blizzard, a baby pewter & a baby bloodred), a hedgehog (Guinevere), and my african grey of course.

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Well hi LadySadi. You have come to the right place to learn all about greys. How long have you had your FID (feathered kid)? If you have any names you are thinking about and need any help in deciding, you'll get lots of help from our family members. We all love stories about the silly antics greys do, so if you have any tales, don't hesitate to share them. Most important, if you have any pictures you would like to show us, you'll have a very willing audience. Welcome aboard!!:cheer:

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Hello LadySadi and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and your Tag.


Thats wonderful that you could find it in your heart to take in this grey, they do require a lot of time and attention and his/her life will be so enriched by your loving attention.


Maybe sometime you can tell us the story of the other two greys you had for a short time.


So you are not new to greys but you will still benefit from reading thru the many threads we have here as you will find lots of useful information. Please do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We would love to see some pictures of this Tag if you would like to share some with us.


Looking forward to hearing what you find out from the DNA test and what the name will be.:)

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I have had my TAG for 2 weeks now I think. Here are some of the names I have come up with so far. Sterling, Kyra, Gryphon, Ava, or something completely different.


I had a rat named Sterling and kind of want to hold on to it in case I ever decide I want kids, but I don't think that is real likely. Gryphon and Kyra I found on the forums earlier tonight. I should probably ask permission before I choose one of those, huh? Ava is the name of my last Timneh and should I someday be lucky enough to get her back I would have two Ava's. LOL Ug, I get too attached to old names.


I am into names that aren't completely overused. I love mythical and fantasy names (gryphon, chimera, pheonix, etc)so if you have any suggestions I am always in need of the extra ideas.;)



I would still consider myself new to the bird ownership because I'm far from a veteran and always looking for more information. I owned a Sunday Conure for about a year. Unfortunately he was killed a month ago by my mother's husky while he was attempting to follow her to the back of the house but his wings were freshly clipped. I miss the little guy. Such a clown and was saying a few things also. :(


If anyone is interested here is the story of my last African Grey experiences. In March I dragged my boyfriend into a petstore I had yet to check out because I didn't live in the same town he did. We found a CAG there that was older and a good talker. He came out of his cage for me although he was aggressive to most everyone there. Together we decided to get him to be our kid (neither of us wanted to have kids). We knew it would be a lot of work to get him to come around since he was older. We gave him two weeks, he fluctuated from being good and being aggressive. One day he attacked my boyfriend and then me when I tried to put him up after the incident. It freaked us out too much to continue working with him. If we were going to have a bird for the rest of forever we didn't want to live in fear. We took him back and got a baby Timneh about a month later. I wanted to be involved in the hand feeding so they sold her to us a bit early so I would have that chance. So, this was late May, early June when we got her home. She was wonderful, was best friends with the conure. My boyfriend became my fiance and the home was stable, she was very intelligent and learned quick. Well, in Sept the fiance and I separated, I moved 2 states away to start over. I didn't get to keep her even though I put more into her than he did. Thus the reason I got a TAG now, to fill the void. I didn't really want this to sound like a pitty trip sob story but I never was good at the "short and sweet" versions of stories :P

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