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Just dropping in to say hello!

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I'm Mary ^-^ I decided to come here because that mother of mine won't stop talking about this place. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I'm not new to foruming, I'm pretty sure she got the idea from me, but who knows! We own a pretty little timnah named Maximum Nymphadora, a lovely name I chose myself, thank ya' very much. We're getting another bird soon too, as some of you already know, named Tanner Logan. (S)He is a lovely little thing that has bonded to mother greatly. Me, not so much, but I'm giving it time. In other news, I act, read (a lot!), write and obsess over Shakespeare...lots and lots of Shakespeare... We also have three other animals in our house, two cats and a rabbit, Shadow Sly (grey tuxedo, hint of tiger, cat), Mathias Moreaux (black n' white tuxedo, despises being picked up by anyone but me) and Snowball Buboo (albino rabbit). Names all courtesy of my phenominal skill...Did I mention I'm modest too ;)!



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Hello Mary and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Maximum. What an unusual name!


So your mother is fascinated with this place is she, well she is in good company for we all love it here, we have some of the best people here, very knowledgeable and some of the friendliest you will find.


You will also find lots of useful information in our many threads so read thru them at your leisure and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


If you would share some pictures of Maximum with us we would love that.

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Hi Mary, it's nice that you could join the forum too. Now you'll know what all the fuss is about. I like your choices in names, very creative all of them. Sounds like a very fun household and a great family to be a part of. Welcome here!

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