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George did something new


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Tonight my husband Doug and I were in the kitchen, George was in the livingroom in his cage witht the door open all day never moved off his perch, But anyway... we were both in the kitchen, at first George softly whistled a couple times then when e didn't come in the livingroom. He made the ringing sound of out telephone. He did two rings. I guess he only did to cause I usually answer the phone on the second ring.

Thought it was funny

Happy Halloween

Marla, Doug and Geroge

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Congratulations Marla! George is indicating he misses you and family and requires your attention back in the room in which he resides. :-)


Thats a good indication of just how well your patience and love are influencing him to become a member of his new flock!!

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Yep, he is calling you back:) Baxter does this with me. He will be quiet as a mouse if I am in his view but let me get out of his sight and there are phone sounds, beeps, whistes and hellllllooooooo's. I whistle back to him or say helllllooooooo back to him. Sometimes we mimick eachother and it turns into a game. :laugh:


He is letting you know he misses you and wants you near him or atleast back in his sight. That is great news. I think you guys are really doing good with George.


I got a set of baby monitors so I could listen to him better when I am out of the room. Those are the greatest things!!! I never get tired of listening to him and alot of times catch a lot more words and sound effects than if I was closer to him. He talks more when he thinks no one is listening to him;) Little does he know I hear every word. :laugh:

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Yes he is calling to you.As others have advised call back softly to him. This is reasuring and if you develope a contact call it can help eliminate screaming. Charlie shouts where are you and hurry up, when I leave the room.He also does the phone or microwave both sounds he associates with me returning. These greys are super smart.

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Gizmo my new bird always saya C'mere when I leave the room and Tyco has a new sound thats driving us all crazy she learned it from my youngest Daughter and its very hard to ingnore she yells wooooo and its very hard not to say wooo back at her but its time to stop answering her or we are all going to go mad.'she used to yell MOM when I left the room that was alot easier to hear. I'm so glad that Goerge is starting to accept you as his family it won't be long before he will be wanying scrithes. he'l have you waiting on him hand and foot.:laugh:

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