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Nicky gets naughty


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Whew! In the span of three hours Nicky's managed to make enough mischief to upset everyone in the house.


First, he climbed onto the terrapin's tank (which is actually a very big fish tank with some additions) and pooped ON the poor terrapin. All right, so it was her fault for crawling up right under his butt to peer at this strange red and grey creature. But there are nicer responses than dropping a huge poop on her head! :sick:


Next, he got onto a high shelf and knocked down a ceramic pot bigger than he was. The pot was full of home-made compost! (we were experimenting with tea leaves and lime) :blink:


While I was cleaning the mess up, he then went down to the floor, pulled out the tray at the bottom of his cage, upset the newspaper and dragged it all over the floor...needless to say, pooped side down. :huh:


So now my sister is mad about the terrapin, my mom is mad about the broken pot and my dad is mad about the poop painting on the floor. Anyone got a room where Nicky and I can stay for a few days? :S

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Wow, he certainly received a lot of entertainment watching and others run around picking up and cleaning the messes. They do love to just drag, toss and shred stuff to watch the after effects.


Sorry, no extra room in my house, I have my own little demons from hell, oops I mean little angels :-) creating havoc in every room. ;-)

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