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Amazing Show on PBS Re: Parrots


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That was a great show on PBS. I was fortunate enough to watch it also. The clips you provided on African are good too, though very short. I have watched them several times, thanks for sharing them.


It truly amazes me that no one has done a full length videography of African Greys in the wild. Especially with the amount of attention they have gained over the years. Hopefully one day, they will. :-)

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Thanks for sharing this. Anyone know if there is a video that documents wild african greys. I did see a short blurp that described how the natives net and crate them for sale. Not really what I was interested in though.


OOPS - just saw the last note. Guess there isn't one<br><br>Post edited by: Janfromboone, at: 2008/11/02 03:39

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The closest I've ever come across was "Where the Wild Grey's Are", by Diana May. She's the only person I know of that's done extensive studies of greys in their natural habitat. The only issue with this documentary is that it has a focus on trapping and the export trade. Not that we shouldn't all be aware of what wild greys are going through, but it can be difficult to watch. Actually, some scenes can make you downright angry.

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