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letting april out whilst bethany is in the room?


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hi every 1!!! i have a great relationship with april but i can only let her out when my 2 year old is in bed!!!! thay are very jealous of eachother and im worried that if i get her out whilst bethany is about harm may come to her but on the other hand i think april will stay on her cage!!!! any suggestions?

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You are smart to be leary of letting your 2 year old near your grey. an accident can happen in the split of a second, an eye can be put out, an ear bitten or a finger bitten and damage can be done. It hurts bad enough when I get bit so to a 2 year old it could really be serious.


It is important for a grey to have out of the cage time though and it is good you let her out when your baby is in bed. Baxter has his door open all the time but we do not have any kids in the house either. Baxter stays on his cage, about once a week he might fly off but usually on top of the cage all the time.


Perhaps you can figure out a way where you can have your eye on your daughter and your grey at the same time. There are many other members on here that have kids and greys and hopefully they can give you some suggestions that work for you.

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