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Aloe Vrea Juice

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I sent my son James out to the pharmacy first thing this morning to get the Aleo Vera Juice and gel. Couldn't find the gel but was able to get the Juice. I started out misting him with it hen he got kinda

( I HOPE excited and not mad about it). When he started spreading his wing a little bit it changed it to a stream. He seemed to not mind it spraying him like that.

It has been about 30 minutes since I have bathed him, hope fully it will help until i can get him to the vet. Thanks everyone for the advice.

Marla, Doug, James & George

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That's great, Marla, that George doesn't seem to mind you misting him or squirting him! Maxi is really pretty happy to shower these days, but I still get a squawk-a-thon when I get out the mister bottle with the aloe juice. And the juice makes their feathers SO soft and wonderful! I'm going to try your method, Judy - maybe she won't mind it so much when she's already wet...

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