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hello! I'm new, and I have a few questions!


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I have a TAG that's about 10 years old, and I have a few questions about him.

1. He shreds his tail a lot, and sometimes his chest. He never pulls them out, or bleeds or anything, but should I still be concerned, and take him to the vet?

2. He's pretty boring. He just sits there most of the time, and I've only seen him playing with his toys a few times. I'm sure he plays when nobody is home, and that he talks to himself (and our cockatiel). Should I be concerned that he doesn't seem interested?

3. Any tips on getting him to talk more? He whistled in front of me a few times in the past couple of months, but that's it.

4. Any ideas for fun toys? We just discovered a laser toy light, and he seems to have fun playing with it.

5. I live in Upstate NY. Is it okay to bring him outside when it gets warmer (it's around 60 degrees right now) and let him play in the grass? Should I be concerned about other animals getting to him, and get him a leash? I heard that some other birds like to eat dandelions - what about TAGs?



Sorry for so many questions! Picture_325.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: pigeon, at: 2007/05/03 20:27


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Guest Monique

1. Yes, always best to take him to the vet.

2. How long have you had him? Is this a change in behavior?

3. Some birds talk more than others. He will enjoy you talking to him, even if he does not do a lot of talking himself.

4. Anything safe to chew - crumpled paper, old phone book, cardboard from TP or Paper Towel Roll, swing, bell or other noisemaker, whiffle balls, children's shape toys or other plastic toys that are safe (like baby keys).

5. It's great to take them on outings. They need to be inside a kennel or travel cage - or else they need to have a harness on. I recommend the Aviator harness. It comes with a great DVD that assists you in learning how to use it and how to get the bird used to it.


There's a lot more I could say on all these questions but I don't know if I'm personally capable of typing that much in a single post :).

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Pigeon, hi and welcome to the forum, happy to have you here B)


Conc. q. 1: I think he's just cleaning himself that way. Do you provide him with a bath or do you spray him often enough?


Q. 2: Have you tried playing with him with his toys? Maybe that way he'll be getting more interest in it. I find that Greys do need playing time together with their owners.

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Guest Monique

Pigeon - I misread your Question #1. I agree with FairY. Preening their feathers is part of their daily routine. Sorry if I caused any false alarm!!!

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Have you had him since birth? if not when did you get him. He might be having troubles with the new surroundings if he was from a different place.


Mini took a little while to warm up to me, but i just interacted with her a lot. Even though you might not get anything back, it doesn't hurt to keep on talking toh im.

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Well, he's gotten to the point where if I'm in the other room watching TV or something, he'll chatter away. But once I go over and start talking to him, he'll shut right up. Oh well!

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Hi Pigeon


Im new as well. I have a 16 weeks TAG. She often sits and "talk" making fun noices. Its so nice that I use to go over to her. She also often shuts up when I starts to talk to her..BUT I do think its a way for her to listen to me and my voice. May it be the same for you? But then you had him sins he was a baby... I guess its hard to say, be patience sins you had him for 10 years! Is it the same with your wife and kids? Is he the same sex as you? LOL They seems to turn to the opposite sex I heard! Well I wish you god luck and dont give up! Try to come up with new aproaches! Im sure we all here on the forum is willing to help you!



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Guest Monique

Hi pigeon. Some birds are like that "closet talkers" they will talk when you're out of the room but when someone is around they are shy. I think that this is just your birds' personality. You may be able to get him to talk more in your presence by rewarding him when he does so and over time see a change, but this may also just be the way he is. There is a lot of difference not only between bird species, but also between individual bird personalities (just like people). I'm sorry you're disappointed with him. :(

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Guest Monique

OH ... good!!!! I thought you were unhappy with him. I am glad he is the Best Bird Ever!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Ahhh some parrots are closet talkers. Mine it and sounds like yours is. Not a lot you can do except maybe spend more time with him. I would also go to the vet about the feathers just to make sure all it ok.

How much to you bath/mist him?

To encourage play try interactive toys or you could try playing with toys in front of him and ever time he reaches for it more it away do this a couple times then offer it to him see if he takes it.

Mine is not much with toys either but she loves rope and her jolly ball with lots of rope on it.

Try different toys till you find something he likes. Mine does not like wood toys or bells. But like rope cloth and leather stuff.



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You are too funny, Tari, love the welcome sign.

Josey will talk with me or hubby in the room but there are certain times she does this. But some greys won't talk around people, they have to leave the room to hear them say anything.

I don't know why your grey is so quiet, as long as he is healthy then maybe that is just the way he is.

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Hi Imran,


Thanks for sending those links! :-)


Does anyone here know much about Clicker training? It seems to me to be a rarely used method, but effective for some people...


One of the links you sent from the English Chap, also has a "Dance" video from the same Youtube user that I really like :-)


I like the way his Grey say's "Dance" with a British accent!


His Grey is a real character!!!


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Guest briansmum

hi dan, i bought a clicker kit a few weeks ago but didn't know where to start, and after watching that vid today i used her technique. brian picked up the touch thing really quick, so i decided to do something a bit more tricky, a hand shake and it was working, he almost had it, unfortunately his attention span ran out before we had it right LOL. i used little bits of chopped up grape as the food treat. i will deffinately continue with it. and im going to teach my other half how to do it then maybe brian will let him near him

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