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Asking for Advice ... 4 m.o. Timeh


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My male 4 month-old Timneh and I are in our 3rd week together. I have experience with parrots but not with Timnehs, and I'd rather learn from others than make mistakes with my baby. ANY ADVICE HERE?

I have him eating lots of fresh food, harrison's pellets, and a fair amount of kaytee handfeeding formula (he was "weaned", but he likes this, so I offer it from a spoon a couple of times per day).

His primaries are clipped, but he still tries to fly a lot (mostly to get from his cagetop to me, or from me back to the cage). I try to keep him low so he does not injure himself. Does your Timneh do this? The exercise is probably good. WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS?

So far no talking, but we play a lot, I name things for him, sing to him, etc. His baby begging is giving way to some crazy babbling at times, especially when we shower, when the dishwasher is on, or music is playing. ANY WORDS OF WISDOM FOR ME?


A couple of days ago he let me scratch his head. Now he is hooked!


Lastly, I've called him Mingus, but I'm not sure I really like the name. I'D GLADLY TAKE YOUR SUGGESTIONS ON A NEW NAME.

Greg<br><br>Post edited by: Mingus, at: 2008/10/31 23:38

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Sounds like you have everything well in hand. I understand if you clip your FIDs wings they should still be able to glide. Is that what your Mingus is doing? I believe the babblings are Mingus' attempts to form words, so whatever you are doing sounds just fine. I believe the name you choose for your grey should embody his character, actions or his personality, where did the name Mingus come from; does it have a meaning? If you have specific questions ask away, some of our experienced family will come to the rescue. Any pictures you wish to share will be greatly appreciated. But most important enjoy your new friend, to me he sounds very happy.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/11/01 03:41

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Hello Greg, Mingus and welcome!!


He sounds like a wonderful energetic TAG. The foods and interactions you are enjoying with him is great and it sounds like the bond is growing very strong.


In regards his short hop flights, I personally would encourage them. They build strength, confidence and balance he will rely on through out his life. If you feel comfortable with it, I would let him become fully flighted over the next year and a half as his primaries molt out and regrow.


After having spent some time with him now and getting to know his personality, it would be a good time to decide on a named that matches him. There are tons of course and different people have many thoughts on names. I prefer African names due to them be from that area. There are lists of African names and their meaning on the Internet if you chose to go that path.


Talking will come over time and you will hear mumbling and practicing as he calibrates his speech. :-)


It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos and videos of him in action.

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Hiya! I have a 5 month old TAG and she is clipped too and still gets quite a bit of distance/height. It's pretty shocking. She is really good at reaching her destination without wiping out too.


As far as the babbling. You just wait!!! It will totally turn into word sounds soon. It only took a matter of weeks for Zahra to go from baby sounds to these words that i cant make out but i know they are words.


It's funny because they are in a man voice and yet she is mainly bonded to me. (im a girl) I assumed her first words would sound more like me than my husband but you just never know what they are going to pick up.


Here's a name for you that i almost named Zahra. How about "Bacon"? LOL or "chicken" (i call zahra "chicken" 70 % of the time because her baby sounds sound like chicken sounds to me.


Good luck!

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Thanks for the reply. Zahra is a doll. Actually just 3 days ago Kofi (my baby boy) said "hello"! It's not very clear but you can tell what he is saying, and he has not stopped saying it since. Every day we discover something new. Today I put a sheet over the dining room talbe, filled it with toys, and put him down on it. At first he was nervous, but in minutes he was exploring everything. It all fascinates him. When I stepped out of sight for a moment he began with his gravelly "hello", until I came back and joined in the games.

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