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Cutest thing yet!


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Gryph and I were just talking to my husband in the kitchen while he was running water in the sink. Gryph climbed right down my arm, ran across the counter, and started playing in the water:woohoo:


And here I thought I'd be having to introduce bath time slowly and carefully!!! :lol:


He also said "bye bye" in my voice today. It is strange to think that three weeks ago I was preparing for a distraught scared little dude. He's such a clown.

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That is just soooo cute!


Its really strange when they talk in your voice! One of my greys talks in my husbands voice and another one laughs just like me! They are so funny!


Great with the water as well! One of mine loves to play in the sink! You will have to try and get some pictures next time!



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Gryphon wrote:

And here I thought I'd be having to introduce bath time slowly and carefully!!! :lol:


Surprise, surprise, surprise, not going to have to worry about bathing Gryphon, just run some water and he will come running to get in, you are so lucky he likes it.


I find that Josey says some things in my voice and some in my hubby's voice, it just depends on what she says but there is no mistaking my laugh, she has that one down good.:woohoo: :silly: :whistle:

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Well Congratulations on Gryphon liking water!! Thats rare in greys.


Yes, we all wish we had cameras ready everytime they do the things they do. But, the minute you run, get one, just start to focus, your Grey spots you and stops all activities. Most have a true disdain for the paparazzi invading their playtime. :P

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