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Vet Visits...


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I'm just curious how often you guys take your bird(s) to the vet. I took AnnaBella to the vet the day after I brought her home and then every 6 months since. I'm wondering if she can go yearly...I'm so afraid she'll have something wrong and I won't know it. My husband thinks that since she hasn't tested positive for anything since her first visit (2.5 yrs ago), that we should go yearly...especially because she hates going and it's so stressful.


So, did you guys take your fid(s) to the vet when you first got it/them? How often do you do vet visits?





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Well.................... I took Dayo in for his wellness exam 3 days after I brought him home.


He has never been back to the vet since. I am probably a bad example, but as close as we monitor him, it would be hard for him to be sick in any way with out us knowing it.


Believe me though, even the slightest suggestion that he might be sick and he would be at the vet that day.

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I take Josey on a yearly visit unless something is amiss, I don't really see the need especially if all tests come back negative or there is no problem. Josey does not mind the vet visits but since AnnaBella does stress out why take her every six months when you don't need to.

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My two youngest greys will have a yearly check but the eldest is very nervous and I am afraid it would stress him to much. I have arranged with the vet to do a house visit for him if I ever need to.

If it was urgent though and I thought for one minute he was sick I wouldnt hesitate to take him.

As long as Annabella is fit and well I would think yearly would be fine.

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Mika saw the vet at 2 months old, and a complete wellness check including all blood tests at 6 months. My vet likes to see them again at 1 year and then only once a year from then on, unless there are any reasons why you feel you need them.


Carolyn & Mika

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At first, we thought "she's an exotic animal and she's not in her natural element"...so we thought we should take her 6 months after we got her. But, because the first vet did such a bad job w/her wings, we went to a different vet. I absolutely love the second vet. They send us a card every 6 months to have her checked out. She's always tested negative with this second vet.

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Yes, I take my parrots to the avian vet once a year. A parrot is a prey animal. Prey animals usually don't show when they feel not well, because that's too risky. So a parrot is a very good actor, and we are not used to observe like parrots do, so we can't see the difference at all. When they show illness it's mostly too late. So I go to the avian vet for their yearly check up, which costs less than curing a disease, discovered too late...


Oh, BTW... they all love to go with me, because we go by train. The vet's a nice person, and it's a fun day out for all of us. The vet gives the parrots a grape for being a sweet bird, and then we go to a small restaurant to have cake and apple juice. You can train your bird in having no stress at all, by having no stress yourself. They observe you, and react to what you're showing. And sometimes you have to be an actor yourself!<br><br>Post edited by: Animalspirit, at: 2008/10/31 00:37

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I'm going to take Indi as soon as I feel he is comfortable enough with me to be comforted by my presence and not stressed by it. I took Woody when he was comfortable with me and got all the bloodwork etc. done - everything checked out perfectly and Doc told us that we should come yearly :)

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We have a pretty close relationship with our breeder, she takes them to the vet right before she gives them to us, but we took Saphira to our vet anyway when we got her. Thorn we just got two weeks ago, but he is still very leary of me for some reason, i want to wait till he is mor comfortable before i stress him out.


the vet loves Saphira, she said she is the friendliest Grey she has ever seen.

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I took Talon about a month after we had her to establish a relationship with the vet if ever we had an emergency with her. I have taken her in yearly since then, although she is due now. :unsure: I haven't yet taken Rikki.

They both appear to be thriving so well, and finances don't yet permit taking them both in just now. But if ever I feel the slightest thing is off, they are on their way in....:(

Talon has gone several times in the last year because I was concerned she might be sick, so I don't feel she needs yet another checkup just yet.


My recommendation is a yearly visit, it helps all get used to each other, and is the best way to keep in touch with the vet if you need their help in an emergency. :huh:

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