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New baby

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Hiya and welcome to the forum.

Congratulations on bringing your new baby home.


You will find lots of help and advice in our Nursery room which I am sure you will find really useful.

Please read through the threads and post some pictures of your new arrival to the family!


We also have a training room which will help out once your baby has settled in.


Glad you have joined us:)


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Hello Sophiesmom and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sophie.


Is this your first grey, first parrot? You will find loads of useful information in our many threads so browse thru them at your leisure and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


We do have a training room where you will finds lots of threads on different kinds and types of training for your bird and some of the members will be able to help you with tips and ideas to teach Sophie some tricks.


If you have some pictures of Sophie you would share with us we would appreciate it as we love to admire each other's greys.

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Hi Sophie's mom, so glad you could join us. I am so jealous that you have a new baby grey. I won't be getting mine until late November. There is a lot of great information here to help you with your new grey, please take advantage of it, everyone is really supportive here. Pictures please if you have any you want to share, we love pictures.

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Thanks for the great welcome!!!

I have had a grey before but he was older and had a lot of aggresion towards everyone. I curently have a blue and gold macaw also. Dont have any pics of sophie yet but will get some soon.

Again, thanks for the welcome!!!!!!:) :)

Sophies mom

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Hi and welcome to the family. You will love it here. Everything you want to know can be found or just ask and there is always someone here to help out. I'd love to see pictures of Sophie when you get to it and some of your blue & gold macaw. They are fascinating, too. Glad you joined. Look forward to hearing more about you and your flock:)

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