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Homecoming for ICE!


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Most you may know that I have decided to adopt Ice who is a 4yr old male CAG (very handsome!)


I need some advice on what to to upon bringing him home with me. He will not be used to me so will bite at every chance! Which Im fine with. Should I leave him in his travel cage until he is ready to come out? Or put him in his old cage as soon as?


Im not entirely sure of his diet but I think he is on some sort of parrot mix but would like him to be on a pelleted diet. Should I wait until he has settled in before making this change?


Also Im pretty sure he doesnt know how to step up yet so I will need to work on this too (please can you send me any links/advice around this?)


He is used to being around animals but not quite sure how he is going to be with Indy......any tips on parrot interaction would be great!


Im sorry for the endless list of questions but I want Ice's transition to be a smooth one and want him to be happy in new home.


All advice welcome!


Many Thanks



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Hi Nims, congradulations on adopting Ice, I have asked around to get you the help you need from other members that have been through your situation and had success with an older adoption.


When you do get Ice please post some pics, as you no we all love pics:woohoo:


Carolyn & Mika

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Congradulations on Ice's homecoming!!! Let the adventures begin:woohoo: :laugh:


I am thinking since you dont think Ice knows how to step up yet that he hasn't been handled much if any?


Baxter wasn't handled either when I brought him home so this may be a similar situation. Baxter came in his original cage so I didn't have to transfer him. I would go ahead and get Ice set up in the cage he is going to be in. Might as well get used to his surroundings while he is in the cage he is going to be living in. Did he come with his old cage? If he did that will probably make him more comfortable.


I would put him in his cage and let him settle in and talk to him alot. Let him see you interacting with your other bird so he will get the idea. I would try to pet him if he allowed it, even if it's just on the top of the head. Mainly talk and let him get used to you.


When I pushed Baxter too much, I got bit and I got bit alot:laugh: in the first week. I wanted everything too fast;) Finally when I slowed down a bit, I got bit less and less. So I think Ice will let you know what is acceptable. If you get bit, take a little break from it so you both can settle down and relax.;) I would keep the cage door open so if he wants to come out he can. Baxter was never let out of his cage and did not know how to step up so I actually had to bring him out by grabbing him (not sure if that was right tho) to get him out. If I had waited a bit longer he might have come out on his own but I will never know that now.


As for the birds interacting with each other. I would act like it was no big deal. I would show Indy the bird and let him know he is here to stay. I would put Ice in his cage and act like it was normal. I think if you stress over them getting along they might pick up on it. None of my birds are aggressive with the others but I have heard some other members who birds are. I would just watch them and see how they react to each other. Hopefully it will be good. I do think Baxter likes having other birds to chat with and be with.


Baxter was here first, then Bonkers came. I couldn't keep Bonkers away from Baxter cage but Baxter didn't seem to care. He hangs out on his cage all the time. I I used to get upset at Bonkers cuz he ate all Baxters food:evil: and I would tell him to "Get Off The Cage" "Get out of there", etc or shoe him away. Now I noticed when I do this Baxter will get all tough acting and start going after Bonkers so he picked that behavior up from me. I think he was trying to help me:) I think if I didn't stop that, I could have taught Baxter to be aggressive. If I don't make a big deal of it, Baxter didn't either.


Baxter was on a strictly seed diet at that time but I got him some pellets right away and luckily he loved them from the start. I am having an awful time still trying to get him to eat healthy foods so that is something I am making progress on but still struggling with. It hasn't been easy for me :(


If he doesn't know how to step up I will get back with you on that one. I think I have rambled on long enough.


I am so happy that you have found Ice. When is he coming home to you?:)

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Nims, I don't have any advice for you as I have never taken in an older bird, all mine were babies but I just wanted to congratulate you on taking Ice in and giving him a good loving home, I know he will be taken good care of by someone who obviously loves him very much.


I see Erika has given you some excellent advice as she has been in your shoes before and knows what to tell you to expect.


I look forward to hearing more after he comes home with you and maybe some pictures too.;):)

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Congratulations on your beautiful new grey Ice.


I have three greys and have gone through the process twice on introducing a new member to the flock!

Each time I have brought a new grey home the other/s adjusted really well.

I let them have seperate out time to start with obviously keeping the older bird first in everything!

Then they were gradually introduced for short periods of time.

If possible try and have a playstand for each bird to hangout just in case they prefer to stay in their own space.

As far as the diet and training goes, give Ice time to settle in before making any drastic changes. My last grey was on a terrible diet, I left him a couple of weeks then managed to wean him slowly from wet seed on to a pellet diet, with lots of fruit and veggies.


I hope everything goes well for you, just be patient and go at your birds pace.


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Baxters mom has given you some good advice but one thing you must not do is put your parrots anywhere near each other until you take Ice to the vet and get blood work done and a gram stain when and if the work come back fine then you can let your birds meet each other but please quarentine your bird til this is done. I would also put him into his own cage as soon as you get him home it will help him to feel comfortable. Open the door and let him come out if he wishes but don't push it. he will come out when he's ready. For the first little while at least try to not look at your bird straight on Look at him with one Eye of put your head down. and when you approch his cage come in from an angle or zig zag these behavours from you will tell your new bird that you are friendly. Offer him tons of treats at this time so he also learns that good thing come from you. talk to him dance sing read what ever he will soon come around when you read to him sit with your back to him with the door open he may get curious enough to come over and check out what this book that has your interest is all about the same goes when you eat eat with him watching you he may want to try some and come over to see whats so good on that plate if you want to do anything with him like give him a scritch tell him first what you want to do and allow him to make the desion on weather he want to allow it or not. don;t stop asking though eventually he will do as you ask. The main thing is have fun with him always be happy around him he will come around I've done this with a few birds and some take longer than others to respond but they all do eventually patients patients pateints is the key. If you can get him away from his cage to another room preferbly some place small like ths bathroom you can practice step ups but wait until he has settled in first and gains a bit of trust. as far as diet give him everything healthy he might eat it but don't stop eventually he will get curious enough to try it you can eat the fruits and veggies in front of him and get excited about them it may help him to try them faster<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/10/30 18:23

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Casper & Tycosmom had lots of great advice too. I did totally forget that the first week or so I gave him treats, treats and more treats:woohoo: That was a big part of it so he would like me and know he could get good stuff from me. I was trying to bribe him to like me;) I think it worked.


Please keep us updated.

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wow guys you really came through for me!!


Thank you all so much for your advice. I am sooooooooooooo excited about Ice. To answer some of your questions. Ice does come with his own cage which is by the way absolutely MASSIVE!!


As for handling he seems to be OK with dogs and is happy to sit on shoulders etc but like I said not sure how much he was handled.

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Hi All,


Tomorrow is the day!!! It feels like im getting my first bird again. Can't contain the excitment! Its all been confirmed with the current owner. I will let you all know how Ice gets on. :laugh:


Many Thanks



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All have given GreYt advice.


Now, the wait for Ice......Tick........Tock.............Tick.......................Tock..............It is a standard characteristic of time to SLOW DOWN as the moment nears...........................................................................Tick...........................................................................................................................................................Tock........................................................................................................................................................... Uh Oh................................................................... I think father time took a break.......................................................................................................................................



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