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Twirly Head Shake


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Does anyone else's grey do what I call the twirly head shake? Maxi sometimes does this funky thing with her head that looks like a cross between shaking her head back and forth and trying to spin it 360 degrees - very rapidly. It's often in conjunction with her semi-somersault routine (which entails ducking her head down between her legs until she almost - but not quite - rolls over) - seems to just be playful excitement.


Anyone else seen this?

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Tobie does that when I go up to get a kiss sometimes. He does the pretzel neck thing and makes kissy sounds while he nibbles my chin. Very endearing. He also does that when he is having fun with a toy - he chatters and rolls his head all upside down. I too think it is playful excitement.

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For some reason, AnnaBella loves to come in the bathroom with me while I'm getting ready for work. I put my foot on the toilet with my knee bent and she perches on my thigh. It's in the perfect position for me to get ready in the mirror. She loves it!! She'll do that weird head thing in the bathroom...but no where else....ha. :woohoo:


I used to use a perch in the bathroom but she didn't like staying on it. That's why we do the leg thing...it's the only way she'll stay put and not fly away. She loves it so much in there, I had to think of a way for her to stay put.<br><br>Post edited by: HeatherStrella, at: 2008/10/31 08:23

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Tyco does very strange things like that when shes playing with her toys. she love foot toys and she will pick them up and look at them from every angle she can get her head into. its the strangest funniest thing I've ever seen.<br><br>Post edited by: Tycos_mom, at: 2008/10/31 12:14

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