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Going out with AG


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Today i went out with Noah, i went to a busy area and people loved it! one of them had birthday and told his wife that it was his best gift on his birthday alot of people came and talked to me.


I took Noah out with me because he is very laid back and needs to see more people beside us second because i want people to get to know African greys/parrots in general explain how wonderful those creatures are but alos how demanding they are.


I have actually decided that in the future i will try to get permission to go to schools and explain children about parrots. Maybe find some peopel around this area that will do it too with me.


My experience today was great!

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I've had the same experience, Rosenzahra,when I take Maxi out in her adventure pack. Everyone loves her! Maxi's pretty laid back, too, and I seems to really enjoy it when I "load her up". :)


I have also had that idea of getting permission to talk to schools and other groups about the birds - maybe together with my daughter - to spread the word about them and obviously to make the point about the commitment level involved.

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I also love taking Tobie for walks and I even took him into Walmart with me. The greeter wasn't sure if that was allowed but I was brasen. I told her I just needed to make an exchange quickly and I'd take my chances at being thrown out. Before I left Tobie had a fan club of employees, one of which had several birds of her own. He goes for walks with me and to visit my mother at the retirement center--all the residents love him.

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This is wonderful that you take your bird with you to places like that and you are right, most people just love seeing them and they are a people magnet.


Some of the members of the bird club I belong to do take their birds to places for people to see them and learn more about having birds as pets.

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I also take my birds everywhere. We also went to The Hague, some years ago, to protest against the import of wildcaught birds. We all took our parrots with us, also to tell people about them. At that time I had only my first grey, Tabu, a plucker and a CAG. Here she's sitting on a police horse. My avian vet took the pic.


tabu_te_paard_2.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Animalspirit, at: 2008/10/31 00:19


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I love the idea of taking your grey to places for people to see and learn about them. This is a very interesting thread and I have enjoyed it tremendously, thanks to everyone for sharing.:silly:


Rosenzahra--I grew up in Fresno, California many years ago, moved to Washington State when I was eighteen, sure miss the free fruit and vegetables that were in abundance there.<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/31 03:24

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What a wonderful time you had! I'm a bit jealous! :P hehe Woody and I are still working on our harness training....stubborn lil bucko. Animalspirit, Tabu is uber cute. Indi is very outgoing and is playing with his harness, I bet I'll be able to slip it on him anyday now, but I feel bad taking him out and not Woody :( Woody desperately needs to meet some more people! He's such a hermit! lol! :laugh:

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My younger greys come out with me to pick the kids up from school! I always take them in their carrier's and they just love to go in the car with me!

The kids think its great to have mum bring the birds to school! Their friends love to see the birds and ask lots of questions!:)

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Well, this wasn't my horse, this was just a policewoman on duty. I had a horse though, but that was before I could take digital pics. I have another one of me and parrtos on a school, where I told one of my own stories.


verhaal8c.JPG<br><br>Post edited by: Animalspirit, at: 2008/10/31 20:24


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Yes,Tabu was very cute and she knew it. She doesn't live here anymore, but I'm working on her story in a Blog. All I can say at this moment, is, that people thought she was still a chick and they all said that she was soooo cute, so she got attention by clipping her feathers :( More later, it's a rather complicated story. Here's another pic of camping with the parrots. They're waiting for the shower!




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