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Mating Dance?


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Ok. I don't have an african grey personally, but my mom does. Ever since she got him as a baby he has only liked her. I was always scared to touch him and I'm pretty sure he sensed it because he always bit me. Now, out of the blue, he LOVES me and is always flirting with me. At least that's what I make of the noises he makes when I touch him. I'm just wondering why all of the sudden he has taken an interest in me. Espically when I'm not around him very often. I only visit my moms house about once a month. Also, should I be worried about the sounds he's making? Is it unhealthy for him to be doing these mating dances? I will post a video of him doing his thing. Thanks.

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Guest Monique

How old is the grey and how are you touching him? Is it a Grey or a Congo? A scritch on the head is okay ... but some others (I would have to google I cannot remember the body parts off-hand) can get the birds a little bit excited. Some birds will reject their primary caregiver (Mom) to find their mate (girlfriend) when they mature. So this could be what is happening. He just thinks your Hot Stuff I guess!!! :blush: Or it could be something totally different but based on what you are describing it is my best guess for you :) .

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He's a Congo Grey. He's still pretty young yet. Maybe 2 or almost 2. I basically play with his feet or beak. And he just did somethign he's never done before with me, he started flipping over my finger and letting me hold him on his back. Very strange. I'll try to post the video again, it didn't work last time. Thanks.:)

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Guest Monique

Well my goodness - I have no idea what he is doing. Having fun, I guess.


You're right he's pretty young he wouldn't be sexually mature yet. Perhaps the hormones are kicking in, though (?). It doesn't sound like you're doing any sort of handling to accidentally encourage that, either.


I look forward to any other opinions we may get ... !!


Very sweet little cockatoo in that video, too. I love their little faces, they look so soulful to me....

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Simply~ are you sure that he is a male...My CAG makes the same sounds and jestures. Ive always thought of Grace as a female but this is what made me second guess her first mother(hand feeder) who claimed that she was almost positive that Grace was a female. That behavior made me really wonder. Ive sent the blood sample in the male and will post our results.....:huh:<br><br>Post edited by: onecentholt, at: 2007/05/01 04:56

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I have no idea if he is a male. My mom got him from a pet store when he was very young and they had no clue. She hasn't had him sexed yet though. We kind of thought he might be female because he wasn't talking much, but we read that if a bird is out of his cage a lot (male or female) they tend to be shy talkers...and Pete is almost always out of his cage here.

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Harrison has made that sound since day one...he was 3 months old when I got him. (He's never done the dance, though) I've always wondered what he was doing. He usually tries to bring up some food at the same time. The only time he does it is when I'm sitting in a certain place on the floor. He doesn't do it any other time.


The first video, the way he was grabbing your finger with his foot...I love that. Harrison does that, although, hasn't recently. He has grabbed my finger and rubbed his beak/head all over my hand.


We didn't have him DNA tested, we went on the breeder's visual experience. She said his head size and some other stuff I can't remember made her think he was a boy...he was a lot bigger (in the head) than his sisters.


Thank you sooo much for posting that video!!!

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  • 2 years later...

I just saw the video and while Dixie doesn't run like that - she does put one foot up on my finger and pull my finger up to her head. She also pulls her wings up like that and backs up and whimpers. She's only 16 months old and I'm new to having a Grey so I thought she was scared of us. She will do it to and my husband equally.

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