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Hi, i received my charlie at 5 months and he is almost a year old (going to have a grey party - all welcome)!


I bought some oatmeal and I am not sure whether i have to cook it or should i give it raw to him, if i have to cook it do i add some salt and sugar to it or just plain cooked, not sure as i would like to try it. Anybody out there giving there grey oatmeal?;)

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Hi Ina,


I give Maxi a little cooked oatmeal for breakfast several times a week. I cook it plain, with no salt or sugar, but I mix in little things she likes (pomegranate seeds, bits of chopped peppers, wasabi peas, edamame pods, frozen succotash) so she has to go hunting through the oatmeal to find them. By the end of the meal, she's made a proper mess and I can tell she has really enjoyed her food!




Sometimes I give her a 5-grain hot cereal in place of oatmeal (it contains oats, triticale, rye, flaxseeds and spelt) - I think she likes that even better.

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My Grey has plain organic oatmeal for breakfast everyday. I do try and vary it with different things mixed in such as fruit, baby food, crushed pellets etc.


I mix the oatmeal with boiling water (wait until it has cooled before giving it!) and add whatever ingredients and voila!


Hope this helps!

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I cook a little oatmeal for Josey almost every morning and I mix in a little red palm oil and some baby food. I cook it in the microwave then add the oil and some vegetable baby food such as carrots, sweet potatoes or butternut squash. She eats it right up, I feed it with a small baby spoon and my sun conure gets a little of it too, can't leave her out.


Some members here use the packets of instant oatmeal in flavors, I don't because I only feed 2 birds and a whole packet would make too much but if you have a half dozen birds then 1 packet would be enough.

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We have a hatch day party for Lyric every year too. He gets to have one of his favorite meals for dinner but he doesn't get exciting cupcakes or cake (SSHHH- don't tell him he's missing out on something or I'll never live it down.) He gets a new toy (or two or three). Your cupcakes Teko sound cute, post us a picture when you have one ready!

I also feed oatmeal from time to time, I use it plain with no sugar or salt, warm it up and sometimes add blueberries or banana or a little cinnamon. I like it myself too!

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I use about a half a packet of the instant oatmeal for Talon. I use water, no sugar or milk. She LOVES it! She bobs her head and gets all excited by it. I feed it to her with a spoon, and then I eat the rest myself!

Rikki has no interest in it, I have tried several times with her. She pushes the spoon away. :pinch:


Talon loves cream of wheat as well! :woohoo:

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