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smoke alarm noises

Guest dakinijones

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Guest dakinijones

I'm going to speculate that when you did set it off, some unusual and exciting things happened while it was going off (people running around on fire?), and the bird is trying to recreate that excitement.


Just a theory. :-)


Nate Waddoups

Redmond WA USA

http://www.featherforum.com/ <-- a web site for bird lovers

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Guest jayrich

ROFL! There has never actually been a fire. Only gone off say twice due to cooking and several single bleeps for accidental testing (they're those new rechargeable ones that plug into the light socket between the fitting and the bulb and to test you flash the light).

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I was thinking that same thing. During Hurricane Elena, 1985, we sat through it and watched all the reports on TV and the radio when the TV station was knocked off the air. "Baby" was listening to all of this and I am sure she could feel our excitement. She became upset so I covered her and put the cage in a bathroom to isolate her from the noise of the heavy wind, etc. There had been a water spout off our beach and the radio station, which is only a few blocks away from it, became very excited as the possibility of it coming ashore would put them in harm's way for sure. They were talking very excitedly and one female at the station began crying and squalling loudly. A month or so later "Baby" was practicing new words. She always took new ones and muttered softly to herself until she had them figured out and then would say them aloud. Her eyes would dilate and shrink and she began saying "waterspout, waterspout" and on and on.


Donald from Mississippi

South of Canada and 300 Yards North Of Gulf Of Mexico!

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