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New Member - Julie


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Nice to be here. I hate starting my arrival with an issue, but I really need some direction.


I have an African Grey Parrot Dante, who I have had for a year and a half (since he was a baby). I recently got a male Eclectus, Gomez, who is a baby and will be coming home after he is weaned/fledged on December 1. I have a friend who has 6 small birds and hasn't said a word about any doubts about Gomez until tonight. She says Dante will be possessive and jealous and she doesn't know what I will do. I was completely unnerved by the end of the conversation.


I've spoken to many people about the transition and they have said to make sure Dante feels secure and that he is fed first, spoken to first, kept higher up, etc. I've heard that an African Grey and Eclectus are a good match. I'm not planning on housing them in the same cage but in separate cages in the living room.


One thing I am concerned about though is that Dante is never shut in his cage becaue he always stays on it. I got him a large boing the other day because he was climbing up the curtains to look outside and fell. The boing was great since he could climb up it and look outside and not fall. Today he climbed from the boing to the curtain rod and now feels he's king of the curtain rod. I'm scared that he has too much space and might climb on Gomez's cage or be overly territorial and feel like the entire house is his even though he just stays on his cage, now the window, and he sleeps in my bedroom.


I don't know how he'll react to me putting him in his cage and closing the door at this point. I'm in a complete state of panic which I know isn't good for either bird. What do I do to make this transition as easy as possible?


Help, Please.


Julie<br><br>Post edited by: Julie, at: 2008/10/29 05:14

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Hello Julie and welcome to the family, so glad you could join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Dante.


Congrats on adding another parrot to your household and you do have the right idea of keeping Dante first with everything so he knows he is top bird but I don't really see a problem with the new addition. But other members will have some ideas and suggestions for you on that matter.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


Please consider sharing a picture of Dante with us as we would love to see him.

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Hi Julie, Welcome to the forum. Congradulations on getting a new flock member:)


I have a grey named Baxter. He is 12 years old and I brought him home last July. I knew I wanted another parrot eventually and decided on an eclectus too.:) I got him about 2 months later. By this time I had bonded so much with Baxter and he was and still is my world and I wondered alot of the same things you are wondering about.


I think all birds react different to things but will tell you my experience with getting my 2 together. Baxters door is always open and is free to come and go as he pleases unless I leave or when I go to bed, I lock the door. He spends most of the day outside his cage.


When I brought Tigger the eclectus home (he was 5 years old) and I put his cage in the same room with Baxter and I also leave his door open so he can come and go as he pleases.


It is working out fine. They can see eachother because their cages are only about 3 or 4 feet from each other.


I watched them closely at first to see how things were going to go and luckily I have not had any problems. Each one stays on their own cage. They know their homes;) and neither one has shown interest in getting over to the other ones or acting dominate with the other one. Baxter does creep a little farther than his cage and goes onto a shelf now but never attempted to get to Tiggers cage or vice versa.


I do have a conure also who hangs out on my greys cage and they get along fine. (His cage is in the same room, too) My conure was going to go (fly) and visit Tigger one day, too and Tigger let out a growl that sounded like a very large cat. My conure made a u turn and has never went to visit him again:laugh: and it hasn't been a problem either.


They seem to respect each others space but I have read other members posts saying they can not let both birds out at the same time because they don't get along. I think every situation will be different as each bird is different but I wouldn't worry to much untill you think you have a reason to.


I honestly never kept them apart from the start and it didn't even occur to me that I should keep them apart.


I did make sure Baxter got fed first, got talked to first and got everything first and he didn't show any signs of jealousy at all. He seemed more curious than anything. I wouldn't make a big deal out of it. Just act like everything is normal and this is how it's going to be and hopefully they will pick up on that and it will all work out fine. I wouldn't worry to much about it. But definately keep an eye on them the first couple days.


The baby will probably be naturally sweet and make the transition easily and if you make sure Dante still gets all the love and attention first he shouldn't have any reason to resent the new flock member. Maybe even give Dante a little more attention the first few days or week when the baby comes home.


Please let us know more about Dante and your new member and let us know how it goes.

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You are welcome. I must tell you, I absolutely adore my eclectus. He is sweeter than I could have ever imagined:) He is the best talker too. I was afraid I could not love another bird like I loved my grey but I fell in love with Tigger right from the start. I will be happy to talk grey or ekkie talk anytime with you:)


I seen Gomes's picture and he is just adorable!!!!

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Welcome Julie!!


Baxtersmom has given you great advice through he mirrored experience of what you are about to go through. It may be a little different due to personality variances, but with close supervision all should be fine.


Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)

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Hi Julie, welcome to our little feathered family. I think you got the best advise available from Baxtersmom, she has hands on experiance of your two species and I to am sure things will be fine.Keep us all informed how things go on.Sheila

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Hello Julie, welcome here. Try not to be too apprehensive about the situation and I'm sure things will work out alright. If you are overly worried, Dante will pick up on this and may become upset himself. Relax and monitor the situation and see what comes from it. It may turn out that Dante is excited to have a new feathered friend. Best of luck to you!

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Thanks, I'm feeling better now. It just threw me that somebody I knew waited so long to say something. What everybody is saying helps a lot and was essentially the plan I was planning on following. I'm just going to have the expectation that everything will work out, use common sense, use the resources here, and I'll go from there. Both birds will have plenty of love and attention and my son is here to help and is excited about Gomez's arrival.

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