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behavior question...


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If you have read my previous posts, you know i'm a new grey owner.


Sassy has been a great bird so far. I think shes gettin more comfortable here.


Today was the first day I had her out of her cage the longest. Its now close to time to go to bed and I put her in her cage.


She seemed to get more active, hanging on the side of the cage and really seeming like she wanted me to pick her up. I did that and she sorta flaps her wings like she wants to fly away. which she did some earlier in the night. ( her wings are cut)


she will go in and out of the cage easily but once in and if she can see me she gets anxious and seems to be upset.


I have left the room and the light is off in her room, she seems to have calmed down but I still wonder what its all about.


It just wasn't nice seeing her seeming to be upset and not knowing what it was for. She would not take a grape, which seems to be one of her favorite snacks so far. she ignored everything I did unless it had to do with picking her up.


After picking her up she would go to her perch outside the cage or door of the cage and be fine.

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Ever see what happens to a kid after playing action packed video games just before going to bed? Do you think the kid will argue about going to sleep.The situation can be even worse if the kid had a slice and a soda. What happened to your bird is the same thing that happens to most greys once in a while until they get it out of their system. Expect that to happen frequently. They're young and rambunctious and ornery.

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Yep, as Dave said, they do not really want to go t obed, even if their grinding their beak and nodding off on your lap or shoulder.


They want to be with their loved one at all times if possible.


The only exception, is when they get older, they get tired and just go put themselves to bed because their tired and as far as their concerned, the parties over...... ;-)

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I'm no expert, but Tobie does the same thing. I don't know if I would reward the behavior with a grape or any treat. Really, Tobie's just having a little separation anxiety I suppose. I always say "nighty-night. Don't let the bed bugs bite" as a ritual to mark the time to go to bed. And just turn off the lights and walk away. He has learned this and now if I go back to the living room he is sound asleep.

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I get the same thing from Nicky, he starts bouncing up and down and climbing manically up and down one corner of the cage every time I put him to bed for the night. Even if he'd been dozing on one foot a minute ago. I usually stand by the door where he can see me, and wait for him to settle down before going off. He used to bounce for half an hour straight! But he finally got used to the bedtime schedule, and now he only does it for five minutes or so.

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