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a little worried


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Gryphon flew from his cage and landed pretty rough before dinner tonight and he has been extremely quiet since. :( I can't tell if he is spooked or injured. I felt his keel and it feels fine and there is no visual evidence of injury.


Normally (or at least the last two weeks I've observed him) he's active at this time. Now he's just sitting quietly, not moving much or playing with toys. He did eat grapes with gusto, but he's not whistling when we leave the room or any of the usual shenanigans.


Anything I should look for? If he has an internal injury would it be apparent? He's eating another grape right now, so maybe something scared him?


Thanks in advance for the advice.

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If he had a rough landing, being quiet for a while would be natural. If there were any injuries, he wouldn't eat and more than likely would stay on thebottom of the cage so he does not have to exert any energy by holding onto a perch. He'll be fine in a few hrs or by tommorow.

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I'm glad to here all is ok I know how scary it can be when they stop making their usual noises and aren't playing with their toys when they usualy do. I had a scare with Tyco today as well she was on her boing that hangs from the ceiling and she loves to undo things well she was at the top of the boing and decided to unscrew the hook that holds the boing well it fell she fell and all I heard was a very loud crash I was in the kitchen at the time. I;m telling you I ran and Tyco was a little stunned for a few moments but I didn't want to race over and pick her up because lots of birds get phobic if their not expecting it and they are in shock anyway so I had to wait until she shook herself off and turned to me and then I picked her up but boy was that scary Tyco was quiet for about an hour after that and that made me even more worried. but she is fine thank goodness and so is Gryphon we have pretty tough birds don't we:laugh:

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Good tip about not rushing over. I try to let him walk part of the way back to me, but in a panic I could just see myself scaring him even more! I'm glad Tyco is fine after her "adventure" :)


Gryph is doing great this morning, chattering and eating his salad.

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