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I am so sorry to hear this. It does sound to me as if some sort of fumes or poison has affected the two birds. Any Teflon pans,air freshners, new carpet, new gas appliance,self clean program on a cooker. All these and more can really affect birds to the extent of death.Have you used new bedding in the cages,try thinking of anything that could be detrimental to the bird. In cases like this it is obvious something has gone very wrong.If neither of the birds have been ill these are the usual causes.Just think of anything new.Sheila

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I am so sorry tigerlil. I know you and your brother are hurting right now, but if at all possible, take the birds to a vet and have a necropsy performed. This way it won't be a mystery as to what caused their death and might help if he chooses to get another bird in the future.

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I am very sorry to hear of this loss. As others have indicated there a numerous possible causes. It would seem the most likely to be some sort of invisible fumes. If at all possible please do have a necropsy performed as the information available from this painful event could be very valuable to you and members here.


I send you warm positive thoughts during this difficult time.

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