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VERY New Grey owner.

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Hey everyone.


My name is Trever. from michigan. I just yesterday picked up a female CAG approx 13 years old.


I'll be keeping her until Christmas when she will be going to her permanent owner, My mom.


First off let me say My mom will LOVE this bird and know ALOT more how to take care of her than I because shes had many birds in her life and has ALWAYS wanted an AG.


Me however, Am VERY new to the bird owning thing and am trying to get all the information I can.


Her name is Sassy and was originally a pet, and the breeders I got her from are friends of a friend. They planned to use her as a breeder but she didn't want anything to do with that and only wanted to be a pet. (Gets a long with people/pets etc. not as much with other birds.)



First problem I have now is i'm not sure when to try to get her out of her cage. I'm not sure if shes just not comfortable or what. I have tried once and shes biting some.


I can pet her head and neck with no problem right now. when is the best time to go further?


I'll add more info and questions later but someone is at the door and I have to go.

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Welcome Trevor & Sassy, you have come to the right place for information - I no very little about the older birds with new owners but I am sure that you will get a lot of help here very quickly from people that have taken in older birds.

Sit back and read and enjoy and ask as many questions as you want.


Again welcome.


Carolyn & Mika

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Hi Trevor & Sassy, Welcome to the forum. You have definately come to the right place if you have questions.:) And don't be afraid to ask any of them.


I adopted a 12 year old grey last July with no bird experience;) . He was always kept in his cage and never handled exept for giving a treat or something but never picked up or handled. By the way, hold long have you had Sassy now?


First I would like to know if she knows the "Step Up" command. That makes life so much easier. If she doesn't know it, it would be good to teach her but that is a different topic.


When I first brought Baxter home he did not know the step up command and since they do need out of the cage time, just leave the door open. Eventually, she will creep out and go on top. It might take a few hours, an afternoon or maybe even a day or two but I bet she will come out.


Baxter didn't want to come out of his cage and I eventually grabbed him by his back and took him out which only scared him more and wasn't good for either of us:( . That is when I read some books and decided I had to teach him the step up command and he learned that in like a day or two.


I got bit ALOT when I first got Baxter cuz I was pushing him too much. He was wondering where in the world he was and who is this crazy lady and he was scared so he bit me. You just have to go slow. You can learn that the easy way or the hard way;)


With petting Baxter I could only touch the top of his head in the beginning. I would let him tell me when I could pet further. I would try to pet just a little farther each time. First the head, then the neck and a little farther and a farther. If he got nervous I would just stop. I didn't want him panicking or losing trust on me and every week I could go a little farther. It was gradual. First the head, then the neck, then the back, the belly and now I can actually mess with his wings. I can touch him all over now. It just takes time. Talk to her alot, give her toys to play with, be near her alot but don't push her or force her to do anything.



There are many threads you can search through here on the forum or you can just ask, too. Keep us posted:)

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Hi Trever, sounds like you have a great present for your mom. Does she live close to you? I understand that you need to be patient and not push to hard on getting your grey to interact with you. You should let Sassy let you know when things should be done. Watch her body language. See if she will come out of her cage on her own. Talk to her quietly. Since you know the people who had Sassy maybe they can tell you a little more about her. You say she was a pet so she probably knows how to step up. Just give her time she is probably anxious and a little nervous. Read some of the posts concerning step up commands. Just relax and take things slowly and patiently.

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Hello Trevor and welcome to the family, so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to hearing more about you and Sassy.


Erika, aka BaxtersMom, has give you some excellent advice as she adopted an older grey and others will give you some more.


Please read thru the many threads for lots of useful information and do not hesitate to ask any and all questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.


I would love to see some pictures of Sassy if you would share some with us.

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Thank you all for your responses!

New breakthrough... Sassy can dance! haha.


Unfortunately I can't whistle because she likes it. I am going to try to learn now.


I just moved in to my house in Dearborn, MI.


back to the dancing.

A friend just came by to see my new house and he was whistling different tunes and she started bobbing up and down and whistling back!


To clear things up. I have had Sassy for only a day and a half now. I know you have to go slow and thank you for all your help already.


I will try opening the cage thing and see how it goes. I will get you guys some pictures tomorrow.


to show how far we have gone, As soon as put my hand in the cage her head goes down and I can pet her head neck and upper back.

I have held her out of her cage and whatnot with no problem before I got her.


She likes apple peels and grapes. doesn't like broccoli, and carrots.


I'll read around and post more questions in the other areas.



EDIT: talked to sellers and she does know the step up command.<br><br>Post edited by: pyrowaves, at: 2008/10/28 03:24

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Well, Trever, I think you have a real winner on your hands. I'm delighted for you and think Sassy probably has a lot of surprises in store for you. Have fun and keep us posted on what you learn from you new friend. Sassy is a real sweetheart. Can't wait to see some pictures. :silly: ;)

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You said "I don't want to go to bed...Can't wait until I can spend more time with her tomorrow" :laugh: (You are already so attached to her)


That is exactly how I felt for the first month.!! I found myself getting up super early just so I could go see my Baxter:silly: :side: I never got tired of him. I just couldn't get enough. (Thats why I got bit so much too:) )


Glad to hear she knows the step up command. You guys will do good together. Now I am wondering (since it sounds like you been bitten by the grey "bug") will you be able to part with Sassy? You already sound attached and I can't blame you.


From your first post it sounds like she will be a great gift for your mom but I bet by the time Christmas gets here you may not be able to part with her. She is going to get attached to you as well.


Where is your mom at? Does she know she is getting a grey? Is Sassy a surprise? Can she come visit and spend time with Sassy?


Baxter bobs his head to whistling, too. It cracked me up!!!:laugh: I have never been able to whistle very good either and I struggle to get the Andy Griffith tune out but getting better. Baxter bobs his head up and down and goes side to side. What's funny is he can mimick my bad whistling:laugh: I've noticed he will bob his head when he is happy, too.


I am from Hazel Park so we aren't that far from each other:)

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Welcome Trevor and Sassy!!


Well, it sounds like Sassy is one human friendly Grey with a lot of love and entertainment for you, friends and finally your Mother, once she gets her.


It's wonderful to hear that She has warmed up to you and your home so quickly. :-)

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Hi Trevor and Sassy, welcome here. Sounds like things are moving along more smoothly for you and Sassy now that she is settling in and you have learned the "step-up" command. She's training you already isn't she? I bet your mother will be so excited for her Christmas present. Be sure and tell her about this forum so she can join this family as well and keep us all updated on Sassy.

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Hello again...


well today has been productive! I got her some toys so its not just her and perch all day when i'm at work!


Shes not to sure about the swing yet though.

I have had her out of her cage since I got home. AND

I cooked up some pasta because I heard that she liked it. Let me tell you she does!


I don't want her to be unhealthy so how much is to much? as in spaghetti noodles. How much can I give her? I didn't give her much now, I thought I would ask first.


Pictures are being uploaded now and I will post for all to see asap.


My Mother does not know about her yet. but we will be giving her Sassy a little bit before Christmas. I am pretty certain I will be able to give her up, but this isn't so say I won't be visiting her often.


My mom is 65 miles away and it wouldn't be very easy have her spend time with sassy until we surprise her. I would probably giver her to her sooner but she is a combo gift from my brother and I, and my brother HAS to be there when she gets her. He lives in California so when he comes home for Christmas we will be surprising her.

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Hi Trever, sounds like you are doing just fine by Sassy. I think the concern about you having Sassy so long is the fact that she will get attached to you. Grey's sometimes have preferences to who they like best. Someone with more experience with greys can tell you more about that. I saw Sassy's pictures, she looks beautiful. You are doing a great job of caring for her.:cheer:

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Yes, Sassy is beautiful and it seems like you guys are getting along just fine. I can understand why you have to wait for your brother to be there when this "surprise" happens. I'm sure this will be one of the bet gifts your mom will ever have ever received. You are so thoughtful. :)


I give my birds pasta, they love it too. And veggies and fruits. I give them a good spoonful or two of the pasta and if they eat it all up, I give them a little more. I'm not sure where the stopping point is. You might want to post a new topic in the Health Room and you will probably get a lot of responses from more experienced grey owners.



Keep us updated and I really want to hear about when your mom gets her. I hope you take some pictures and share them with us when she gets her. I would love to see her expression:laugh: :woohoo:

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Sassy is a great bird. You seem to be getting on very well.Take it easy with her,she has had a few changes and has another one coming up. Change is never easy on a grey, although she seems to be taking it all in her stride.I bet you get one for yourself once sassy goes to your mum, if indeed you manage to part with her. Good luck. Sheila

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Hey Trever ~


Congratulations on taking on a special challenge.


I have had my CAG for almost two years now, and he was neglected at his last home. At first he suffered from separation anxiety, which he demonstrated by screaming frantically when I left him alone in his room. Eventually that stopped when he realized I was committed to our relationship. He is a rescue bird and I have no idea how old he is, but age is not a factor.


With patience and constancy you will be able to gain Sassy's trust and once you do you will not be disappointed. These birds are not dimwitted and they know that trust must be earned. Bear in mind that she is a sensitive bird and you must learn to read her cues, and she will let you know when she is comfortable moving to the next step in your relationship.


Be patient ~ and you will have a very affectionate bird friend for life.



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