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Cage cleaning question


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Today I was cleaning my birds cage. Only with water and paper towels, just to get the worst off the bottom and some messes that were on the sides. I'm just wondering what some of you use to clean your cages, I know water isn't really the best cleaner as far as making it sanitary. Do any of you use Clorox anywhere spray or would that be a big no no. My husband doesn't think I should use it anywhere near the bird so I haven't yet. Besides that spray what else could I use/stay away from?

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I used a tiny amount of dishwashing liquid to clean our cages. Just enought to get some bubbles in warm water. My routine is to take the bottom pans and the top grate/rack above the pan outside and house them down. I have discovered a product called Poop Off:) which can be found at pet/bird stores and I spray that on the heavily pooped areas, wait about 5 minutes for it to work, then take a sponge and clean it with the soapy water. I rinse it real well, dry it off with towels and back to the cage they go.

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I use Poop Off and like the others have said, it works very well. Those of you who use vinegar to disinfect the cage, what variant of vinegar do you use and what is the ratio to water?


And while we're on the topic, shouldn't they have called it "Grey Poupoff" or do you think that would have upset a certain mustard company? Sorry, bad joke. :P

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I scrub the whole cage down every two weeks or so, literally take it apart and go over every section with a scouring brush. I find that just wiping it isn't enough as the poop gets into all kinds of annoying corners that can't be reached without dismantling the cage!


(And I found out how Nicky gets it into those places - yesterday I saw him hang off the side of the cage, bend his tail down and squirt a jet of liquid poop right into his water dish at 45 degrees so hard that it SPLASHED :blink: guess I can tell he's male without needing DNA sexing)


I use whatever detergent comes to hand, then wipe it all down with a vinegar-water mixture - 1 part vinegar to 3-4 parts warm water.

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Usually just a brush and dust pan daily while changing papers. Once per week a wipe down with warm water and some elbow grease does the job just fine. If more cleaning is needed I use the 1 to 4 vinegar dilution. I do not understand why anyone would spend significant $$ on cleaning solutions etc as I find its not much trouble to clean with simple water...just wipe down areas to moisten, let sit a few mins and most but the hardest turds wipe off easily. For the real turd cement just let a bit of water sit on it a few mins and it will wipe right off... B)

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Haven't gotten my Grey home yet,so not sure if the following will work as well for her cage as it does for my cockatiels.


But instead of Poopoff I wet a dryer sheet,and wipe the cage/grate.It softens the poop real quick,no waiting.


then dry with a papertowel.

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Birdkeeper - Dryer sheets contain many chemicals, that may leave a residue on your cage - the followings are the chemicals that are in a single dryer sheet not in great amounts but they are there as well as scented sheets have even a greater amount of other chemicals. I think you probably be better off just using vinegar and water. The reason a dryer sheet softens poop quick is due to some of the chemicals in it.

* Benzyl Acetate: Linked to pancreatic cancer


* Benzyl Alcohol: Upper respiratory tract irritant


* Ethanol: On the EPA's Hazardous Waste list and capable of causing central nervous system disorders


* A-Terpineol: Can cause respiratory problems, including fatal edema, and central nervous system damage


* Ethyl Acetate: A narcotic on the EPA's Hazardous Waste list


* Camphor: Causes central nervous system disorders


* Chloroform: Neurotoxin, anesthetic and carcinogen


* Linalool: A narcotic that causes central nervous system disorders


* Pentane: A chemical known to be harmful if inhaled


Carolyn & Mika

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I use GSE (grapefruit seed extract) diluted 60 drops/32 ozs of water. It's amazing stuff.


GSE has the same disinfecting properties as bleach but no odor, no chemical and no dangers to your birds. I use this to clean my house, counters and walls. Even without having birds, I've saved a TON of money on commercial cleaners. One little bottle of GSE goes a long, long way. I put mine in a spray bottle and have one on every floor. I spray my cages, rub the poop with a brush and then rinse and let dry.

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I can recommend a book on this subject: Green Clean. I bought it on amazon for 10 bucks. It is great! Also gives recipes for making your own cleaning products (really easy and I save a fortune) and which commercial brands to purchase (murphys oil soap is fine hurrah!). It is focused on human safety and the environment.


Also, it isn't preachy. I am highly susceptible to guilt (thanks mom) but this is a practical guide. They even suggest weaning yourself off commercial products as you see fit. I still can't let go of my toilet wand! :laugh:

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