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Wanna Keep My Grey

Guest smokey

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Whats up everyone,

It's bin awhile since i was last on or posted, but i'm in some what of a sticky situation. And hopefully since were all bird people here, some of us might have run into this problem. So I have an African Grey (Smokey) thats a little over 1 & 1/2 years old. I've visited him since he was 2 weeks of age and brought him home when he was about 14-16 weeks, and have had him ever since. Great bird, okay but heres the problem, i have moved from my moms because the situation i was in. But where i'm at now I can't bring my bird. My mom takes good care of him, but says she can't do it for much longer becuase he so high maintanence. I don't want to get rid of him caue i had him since I was 16 and turning 18 as of tomoorrow i plan to keep him for many years to come. But the question is how? Has anyone encountered this problem and has a soltion on where i can keep him? Or options you may have took, in efforts to keep your beloved parrot!? PLS PLS Respond any comments or Suggestions would be very much appreciated... I'm in dire need of ideas. Thanks.

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I don't know what your current situation is but I hope you are able to come to a resolution. Perhaps you could offer to pay your mother a fee for keeping the bird until you are ready to find a place where you can live with him? Maybe you could visit as often as possible and help with the upkeep, the cage cleaning and spend time with Smokey? I wouldn't know what to do if I had to move somewhere where I couldn't take my animals. Perhaps you could look for an appt where they will let you place a deposit to have an animal? I hope you are able to work things out- Smokey deserves your love and devotion.

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I currently am moving form place to place, where ever i'm welcome until i save up enough for a deposit on an apartment and have a stable job. I tried offering money to her but says she can still only do it for so long. I visit him as much as possible and my mom says how much he misses me and only let me do alot of the thing i do with im, like scratch his head, flip him upside down, pet him under his wings, put a harness on him, etc.. the list goes on and on. As of now he isn't getting neglected he eats right get ample time out of his cage and gets new toys all the time, gets talked to and gets attention. It's just the living situation thats the problem. IT SUCKS! I'm currently looking for pet friendly apartments but it's not as easy as it may seem. Is there any boarding places for pet birds and if so how much do they usually run? Thanks agan for those who repond, bery much appreciated.

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I am sorry you are finding yourself in this situation.The only thing I can sugest is to let your mum read this post so she realises how much you wish to keep Smokey. Try and explain that at your age its hard making the transition into adulthood and you are not abandoning Smokey, just leaving him in a stable home utill you are in a position to resume full responsibility yourself.Tell mum you will visit all the time and still clean and buy food for Smokey. I hope you find a solution.Sheila

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Long term boarding is expensive and more importantly, possible sickness can occur there. Maybe try a good friend or another relative. Most of the time, apartments that don't allow pets usually refers to 4 legged animals. You can try asking your avian vet if he knows of good boarding facilities that he feels are safe.

PS--maybe you can ask some of the people here who live near you if they would board your bird. More than likely, everyone who owns a bird here has healthy birds which are in healthy environments.<br><br>Post edited by: Dave007, at: 2008/10/27 21:45

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In my area some pet stores will board birds for owners. Also veterinarians will also board birds and animals. I would check them out in your area to see if California also has this policy. Sounds like you love your grey very much. I wish you luck on finding an apartment and job that will let you continue to care for Smokey.

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I'll most definitly going to look in to the boarding places and my mom is set on what she says. And yes i'm a devoted to my parrot because i knew what i was f=getting into when i 1st gott'em. Thanks for everones suggestions, i very much apprciate it. I will start to buy his food which is the one thing i haven't bin doing which might show my mom how much i want him. But i do every thing else like visit, change his cage, and what not. what else should i do that i'm already not to show that i'm applying my slef to keep Smokey?

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Hi there,


Sounds like you have quite a dilemma you have on your hands!


You seem to love your bird dearly and the other members have made some good suggestions. Here in the UK we can board our birds with vets you might want to check this out.


I hope it works out for you!



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As for what else you can do to convince mum you are determined to keep smokey, I can only sugest as I say buying his feed and proving to mum that you are doing all you can to find your own place that will take him. Are you working? if not do all you can to find work, any work ,all will show mum you are trying your best. Good luck.

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I live in the suberbs of Detroit Michigan and I have done online searches for birds when I was in the market with a yahoo or google search for example, "Detroit birds for sale" and have run across several people/rescue places that are willing to take in birds temporarily untill you are able to take care of the grey or what ever kind of bird that needs a temporary place untill you can care for your bird again. Main goal is to keep the birds and people together. Perhaps you can try that or ask a bird rescue in your area again, do an online search for bird rescues in your area and they may be able to direct you in the right direction. The ads I have seen even mentioned people in the military that get deployed and don't want to get rid of their birds. The places I have seen seem genuinely sincere about keeping the person with the bird. Of course, if you find something like this, i would check it our real good and make sure it is on the up and up and get paperwork stating you left your bird temporarily. I have seen several of these ad online and maybe you might can find one in your area too. Good luck. Let us know what happens.

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There's no way you could back and live with your mom? How long of a time are you talking about? How long untill you think you will get situated? If I lived near you I would be glad to take care of him untill you got on your feet.


Maybe you could ask your vet if you could hang a sign in the vet office trying to find someone to bird sit temporarily. I bet if more people were aware of the situation they would be willing to help. I can tell you don't want to let your bird go. Hang in there.

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Oh Daniel, I am so sorry to hear of your circumstances and the dilemma of how to keep Smokey.


At the beginning of your Adult life and the tough time you are having right now in sprouting your wings to go out on your own, it is a time you must really stop and think.


I do not know what caused you to have a need to move out. Especially at an age yet under 18. But, if at all possible, it would be best to try and mend whatever situation has caused it.


You are at a critical point in your life and truly need the help and support of your parents, so you have a chance to find a good job, perhaps continue a higher level of education and save up to put deposits down and get a place of your own without having to struggle to do so more than necessary.


With that said, your and Smokey's situation is a very tough one. I see you live in Pacifica. I work in an San Jose during the week, but my actual home is in Visalia, a 180 miles south east of the bay area. I would be more than happy to help you out with Smokey, but at that distance, visitation would probably be a real challenge for you.


There may be another option for you, Mickaboo Rescue is right in your area. It may be that they could find a "Temp" home for him in their large large network of loving and caring homes that help with rescues that need observation, recuperation and human interaction before they can be put up for adoption.


You can reach them at www.Mickaboo.com and they have their main headquarters in San Jose. You can review their information and call them to see if they may somehow be able to help you out and you still be able to visit Smokey.


My heart and prayers are for You and Smokey that this will all work out in a good way for all involved. :-)


Oh, edited to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL"!!!!!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/28 14:43

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I live in dayton, and I too have heard of people or rescues taking in birds temporarily until you 'get your feet on the ground' so to speak. Parhaps try a google search.


If all else fails, and it's safe for you - please consider moving back into your mothers house, even if it may be uncomfortable. I moved out of my parents house when I was 16 and moved in with a friends family, and life was very hard for me. I worked most of the time to afford just rent and food and a ride to work while juggling highschool on top - I would never have been able to afford a parrot past the inital purchase price, if something medical came up I would have been in big trouble.


Good luck with this tough sitiuation, please keep us posted!! :)

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