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Chloe steps up!


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She has learned the step up command already! I am so proud of her.

She is a stinker though...she hates pelleted foods! I have tried a few different brands. I am going to try and soak them and feed her by hand to try and get her to like the taste of the pelleted foods. Anyone have any other ideas??

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The breeder tried weaning her to Harrison's but Chloe didn't eat any of it and the bird breeders teenage daughter took it upon herself to feed her seed instead. So unfortunately she eats seed not pellets. She really isn't eating much of the seed at all and the breeder had her on 3 times a day feedings still. So I feed her hand feeding formula in the morning in the afternoon and at night still. I really would like to get her eating the pellets more that's for sure.

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It can be hard to switch them off of seeds but I'd try to do it as soon as you can. Try soaking the pellets in some warm water or apple juice and give to the bird by hand.

When I was trying to wean Lyric I'd try anything to get him to eat. The best method I found was by letting him share stuff off a plate with me while I was eating. Make a big plate of brown rice mixed with whatever veggies you like and eat some with your little one. Let her watch you enjoying it and eventually she'll just have to try it to see how good it is. The only drawback to this is your bird may become very spoiled like mine and expect warm cooked meals several times a day and always want to share your meals with you!

It's really good she is stepping up for you already, sounds like you are getting along great.

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Awesome idea lyric! I just got a bag of brown rice yesterday! I will cook some up this evening and eat it and see if she wants to give it a try. She does eat peas I have found...its so cute!

A little while ago I took some pellets and broke them into tiny pieces and she took them from my hand and "played" with them in her beak a little bit..so I am thinking its a little progress!

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Sometimes Chloe is sleeping during her afternoon hand feeding due time, should I wake her to feed her or wait for her to wake up?

Also the temperature of the formula...I am so worried about getting it too hot...or too cold! I have a digital thermometer I use, so I do know it isn't too hot...but I get concerned that while I am feeding her it will cool off too fast and be too cold! What complications could arise if I feed a tad too cool? BTW she is 12 weeks old if that helps.

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Awww, Chloe sounds like such a sweetheart. I would suspect at 12 weeks she is still weaning a definitely learning the tastes and textures of various foods you are offering her. Continue offering pellets, perhaps soaked in some apple juice or the like. Offer the same various foods over and over. They may not eat something one day and then eat it the next.


In regards formula, You are aiming for the 105 to 110 degree range. If it is hotter than this, you will need to let it cool down, stirring frequently and retesting the temperature in the center of the bowl. Otherwise, you will burn her crop.


Thanks for the update on Chloe's progress!! :-)

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