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Picture of Timneh chicks, 1 week old


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Updates, updates!! We had some exciting developments over the last few days. On Saturday, Sadie Grey took her first flight. It was a successful short flight without any crashes- hurray Sadie! Today, Sterling followed suit. Also, Sadie said "pretty birdie" to me several times! I was almost beside myself with excitement! I'm hoping Lyric will hear her talking and get inspired. Both Sadie and Sterling vocalize alot but that was the first time I heard something recognizable from them.

Both are now weaned from handfeeding and eating great on their own. They are eating pellets, fruits, veggies, brown rice... anything they can get their beaks on. They are definitely great eaters. Here are some updated pics of them, they have really grown and except for the dark eyes, now look like real greys... Sadiensterling010409.JPG


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Jen your little babies are all grown up and doing big bird things.It has been fantastic seing them develop and I appreciate all the hard work you have put in to them.Thank you for sharing their journey as they developed. Now ITS DECISION TIME. I would hate to be in your shoes right now.

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Yes, it's a very hard decision to make. They are both so delightful and so very precious.

Lyric is hoping they won't be sticking around- he doesn't like sharing his momma. They all three eat together on a table in my kitchen and Sterling likes to check out what is in Lyric's dish and scares him away. I was hoping they could all be friends and play together but Lyric really isn't sure what they are. Maybe in time he would come to like them? I'm not really sure...I'll keep you all updated and let you know if I find good homes for them or if they are staying in my flock.

It's funny, Sterling sticks up for and defends Sadie. If Lyric goes around her then Sterling gets in the middle and stands up to Lyric. It doesn't take much but if he looks at Lyric the wrong way or flaps his wings then Lyric flies away. Watching them interact together is interesting and sometimes total chaos...this morning I had one bird on my shoulder, one on my head and the other in my hands. Their flying is not real predictable yet so I have to really watch them especially when my dogs are around. It's a bit of a balancing act for me I must say!

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Boy, Jen, if you can bring yourself to let these two move on to other homes, you're made of sterner stuff than I am! On the other hand, I can really appreciate the balancing act you must be doing with them and Lyric - especially since they are all flighted! Does Lyric take it out on YOU at all?


Your pictures are wonderful, and your greys are all just beautiful! It was a terrific idea of yours to make this timeline for us, with pictures. Thank you!

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Thanks for the kind words LindaMary, and yes, Lyric does take it out on me, my hands are looking pretty rough between the bites from him and scratches from the babies sharp toenails. Plus, a few weeks ago I smashed my thumb in my garage door so a purplish black thumbnail (which I'll probably be losing before too long) doesn't add to the beauty of my hands. I definitely couldn't be a hand model for ads as George did on Seinfeld if any of you are fans...


I've been happy to be able to contribute to the forum by sharing my photos of the greys as they develop. I wasn't aware of this forum when Lyric was a baby, but he's still young and going through his terrible twos, so we still have lots of growing to do together- all of us.

As far as parting with my little ones, as a breeder of birds you do it with the intention of selling the babies, it just is hard for me as I get so attached to them. I really consider all my birds family so I want only the best for them. I would love for them to be able to bring as much joy to another family as Lyric gives to me, but I won't part with them unless I find the right match!

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Boy they have really grown haven't they Jen and are so adorable, you can only tell them from Lyric by the eyes. I don't evny your task of finding them some good homes for I would have to think long and hard before I gave them up to someone else.


You have raised some nice looking babies and should be very proud of yourself, pat yourself on the back for me.

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Jen what a lovely picture of them all eating together.


I know just how you feel having three! I either have one on my head, one on my shoulder, one off one on! Its mad some days, the best laugh is one will land and if I dont see which one I dont know who it is:laugh:


I know you will find them a good home, they are beautiful! I only wish I lived nearer:whistle:

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