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15 old year african grey training


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Hi there, I was just reading a post by Hrund about her bird Nokkvi who she has been slowing integrating into her family. You should read some of those posts, they might help you decide on whether you want to take on this challenge. Check some of the other posts about older greys that have successfully found new homes; and good luck on your decision.

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According to my avian vet, my TAG Fernando must be about 40 years old. Parrots of that age here in Holland are most certainly wild caught. They can be trained, though: Fernando learned to step up before he came to me. I recently started really training him: just for fun I tried how much time he needed to learn a "turn"for instance. It took him only 5 minutes to understand the trick! Parrots are so intelligent, they have the level of a 2- to 5-year old child. And they keep learning all their life!

So, regardless the age, you can certainly train that bird!

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