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Ideas for a bored grey


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Guest briansmum

yeah, brians a pain in the tail feather for that, he has evertoy i see and he'd still rather chew everything from the television remote controls, to my make up. so i have started leaving things about like bottle tops, clean, unused hair ties and old DVD boxes, he thinks he finds these and is haing a sneaky chew on them. if i actually gave them to him to play with he wouldn't wanna know LOL

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

i have started leaving things about like bottle tops, clean, unused hair ties and old DVD boxes, he thinks he finds these and is haing a sneaky chew on them. if i actually gave them to him to play with he wouldn't wanna know LOL


This is a brilliant idea, and I think I will use it! You're absolutely right, it's the sneaky successes that please them the most.


Anway, here's my sure-fire solution for Joshua when he's bored to tears. I put him in one of the kitchen cupboards and close the door. He wanders around (I keep it empty for him), talking to himself, and popping his head out through the crack in the door. He then tries to hold the door closed from the inside and is generally pleased to be in there. I don't know why he likes this, but he does. And it does amuse him (and me).:blink:<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/03 14:03

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Guest briansmum

i think they like being in dark secluded places, i have throws on my sofas and brian loves to get under them, he won't be pleased when my new sofa's come and the throws go away :P


lidia do you have a video camera, it would be great to see that! it sounds hilarious :laugh:

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Guest Lidia

xxbeccyxx wrote:

lidia do you have a video camera, it would be great to see that! it sounds hilarious :laugh:


My digital camera can record digital 'videos', but it's getting it at the time he's doing the thing that's the problem (same as for the rest of you, I'm sure). I would love to have got him doing his single wing flap thing the other night. Will keep trying. I got a fantastic video of him doing all his party tricks, uploaded it onto my laptop and then immediately deleted it (permanently)! Sometimes my idiot gene is in direct conflict with my clever gene.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/03 15:31

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Lidia wrote:

xxbeccyxx wrote:
lidia do you have a video camera, it would be great to see that! it sounds hilarious :laugh:


My digital camera can record digital 'videos', but it's getting it at the time he's doing the thing that's the problem (same as for the rest of you, I'm sure). I would love to have got him doing his single wing flap thing the other night. Will keep trying. I got a fantastic video of him doing all his party tricks, uploaded it onto my laptop and then immediately deleted it (permanently)! Sometimes my idiot gene is in direct conflict with my clever gene.<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/03 15:31


Hi Lidia,


Did you check your recycle bin on your Laptop?


- Dan

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Guest briansmum

awww lidia, thats a shame. never mind :) i know what you mean though, i often say if i had brian i would be dangerous ;)

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Guest Lidia
Hi Lidia,


Did you check your recycle bin on your Laptop?


- Dan


Yeah, I'm fairly au fait with the vicissitudes of modern computing. It was one of those "Do Not Press the Red Button" moments. Like I said, stupid gene -v- clever gene.




I just found this old one of Joshua in the cupboard. He's been in for a while at the point I took the photo and has started moving around and trying to get at plates and glasses to chuck them out. Cheeky boy (as he himself would say!).<br><br>Post edited by: Lidia, at: 2007/07/03 23:08


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I haven't tried this with my grey but when I take a nap on the weekends I take my sun conure with me. She will stay on my shoulder or get on the pillow beside me and be quiet as a church mouse, she does not even take a dump, she waits until I get up and then she cuts loose.:laugh:

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  • 6 months later...

I go to the "everything's a dollar" store and get cheap bird toys. For instance, they sell a big package of plain ol'popsicle sticks that will keep Lyric entertained for a few minutes anyway. I also got him some plain untreated baskets to play with. These things might not last long but a few minutes of entertainment is worth a dollar!

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I have a cheap basket that I keep right here on the computer desk just for Klaus. It has toys in it, but he likes to play with the basket itself, too.

Oh, and of course, the mouse, the mouse pad, took a button off the monitor (never to be seen again), and chewed up the edge of the desk pretty good...:lol:

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My babies have chewed chunks out of my remotes, they have chewed pieces off of picture frames, they have ripped holes into my computer chair, they have ripped off the tip of the toe of my sneakers, they have ripped apart my theomostate and they love to put holes in my shirts. It is so funny. They love to destory things. You can almost see the delight in their eyes as they do it.


We love to keep clean bottle caps for them to chew on.


I like the ideas of baby toys at Wal-Mart and even toys at the dollar store. It can sure save us alot of money. I think I will look into that this weekend.


Thanks everyone.

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  • 7 months later...

i was at a bird seminar last year and lots of the parrot owners had birdy baskets. they had a sturdy handbasket that they lined with paper and then they tied toys along the rim. the birdy could perch on the handle and play with the toys tied to the rim of the basket.


you can get nice baskets at the thrift store and i saw that the toys they tied to the rim were ABC blocks and dominoes and such. plus at the bird store you can get plastic buckets full of wooden pieces that are vegetable-dyed which are perfect for tying to the rim.


some bird stores or bird clubs will have craft day where you can make your own birdy basket and interact with other parronts.


and yes indeedy, the fun things you can do with drinking straws! i poke them thru the holes in whiffle balls (looks kind of like a sputnik-y satellite) and then thread string through the straws and tie pony beads to the ends of each string. big fun!


edited to add: oh my! i was just looking at one of those clothes-drying racks and imagining how to dress it up for the birdies! i will get right to work on one. i am wondering if it is too tippy and maybe i should put some longer pieces at the base some lath maybe.


and i have also found that if you also have your bird observing your crafting it will intensify his acceptance of the toys.<br><br>Post edited by: sandra902, at: 2008/09/15 16:19

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