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Hello everyone


Something really exciting has happened so I just have to write about it here.


We´ve had Nökkvi for two months now. When we got him he was really scared (still is) and we couldn´t get very close to him. We tried to train him by making him step up but that didn´t go too well. So we decided not to push him anymore.


For 1 and a half month now we have just let him out when he wanted to, talked to him, sang to him and played music to him. He has a lot of toys that he plays with. Also I´ve been giving him more variety of foods.


Just this morning I was thinking if this was going to work out. Not because of us but because of him, I was worried that he was lonely and needed more contact and felt bad because he didn´t want it from us.


We have a big cage where our two cocatiels are and Nökkvi likes to go there and sit on top of their cage. This evening my boyfriend took some Swedish hardbread and offered to Nökkvi and he took it from his hand! The first time ever, he has always been so afraid of our hands and started to growl when we get too close. Then I tried and gave him a nut that he also took. This makes us feel so good and shows that he is starting to trust us. Now we´ll just have to be careful and not go too fast with him.

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This is exciting to hear Hrund and I would be careful not to go too fast and have a setback but you are definitely making progress.


If I remember correctly, Nokkvi is about 6 years old and not very tame but what you have accomplished in 2 months is no small feat. Just think what he may be capable of in a year's time.


His trust of you is slow in coming but then you can't blame him but I feel with your continued patience with him he will finally trust you enough to allow some handling but in any case you should be very proud of yourself, I am very proud of you.


Please stay in touch and keep us updated on his progress.:)

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This really is a breakthrough. I am so pleased. If he is feeding from your hand that must mean he is starting to trust you. Keep doing what you are as its working.Just one word of advice, be carefull of allowing the grey close to your cockatiels, if he bit one it would be a disaster. I am so glad you have come so far in a short time. Keep up the good work and keep in touch. You have done so well,earning a greys trust is not easy but you are doing it. Sheila<br><br>Post edited by: she, at: 2008/10/26 21:41

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I am so happy for you!!! That was a major accomplishment. I think you did right by giving him his space and letting him come around in his own time. Gosh before you know it you will be giving head scratches:woohoo: . I think some birds just take a little more time. Thank goodness you got him out of that scary place where he came from. He must have been terrified. It sounds like he is really coming around and is safe and happy and starting to trust again.

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I've been reading your prior posts and I want to congratulate you and your boyfriend on the great progress you have accomplished. You have great patience with Nokkvi and I know his appreciation will be total trust in no time. I wish you many years of joy with your new friend.


Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/27 01:46<br><br>Post edited by: luvparrots, at: 2008/10/27 20:18

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Tyco was the same way when I got her she would not allow any interaction except to rub her beak. Its been just over a year and in that time she has gone from that to letting me scritch her head and neck before bed and when she wakes up and last night I had a major break through she actually snuggle her head and body up against my body. it was a wonderful feeling of love. you are doing exactly the right thing by letting her/him come to you. s/he will let you know when s/he's ready for something more. it will happen your job right now is just to love and talk and sing and now give her treats. until she desides it time for something else. The first time Tyco let me touch her she told me it was ok by putting her head down it was only a 1or2 second scritch but it got a little longer every night and then she started asking for scritches in the morning also now she can't get enough before bed I stop before she even comes close to wanting me to if she had her way I'd be there forever giving her neck and face scritches. you are doing everything right just keep up the good work.

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I think it's really sweet that you're looking at this from the bird's angle as well and worried about his feelings. Too many people just get angry when their bird doesn't react the way they want him/her to. Karma to you for being so patient and for reaching such a great milestone!

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Thank you so much everyone, for the good comments, advice and stories, it´s so good to learn from them.

I´m so happy that our patience is paying off and it´s just getting better. Nökkvi was in his cage earlier playing with a toy, he dropped it and I picked it up and gave it to him and he took it :cheer: . We kept playing like that for a while, he took the toy played with it dropped it and I gave it to him again. It´s so great to be able to interact with him, what a feeling and I´m sure he is happier too.

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